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Cardinally it is necessary to modernize all available systems automatization public services and to lead (carry out) digitalization (numbering and digital-processing of the important old documents and the data) in all branches. In the new smart-automated state -(IOSM -THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС- SDB ) , systems of an interdepartmental exchange of documents (СМОД) should have the uniform interface of an exchange and include all branches of economy and the finance. Then easily it will be possible to replace state employees incorruptible and quick remote digital Experts - platforms.
The EXPERT Finance, Banks,Taxes, formations (educations), public health services, other civil services and digits-services,should have access to bio numbers people (Ministry of Internal Affairs) and номеркам Business (Tax service). They are primary and all other Registers and databases should be based on them. Internal network UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС) (the powerful internal protected Intranet) should provide a reliable and fast exchange. Plus access with personal smart-phone and computers, with use of electronic passports of citizens (as tokens identification).
In SDB where will be full cashless and the personal account of everything, it is possible is integrated uberize all economy, the finance and others public services, and, on baseUNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС) to create «the state of remote digital-services ». I.e. to modernize and unit all backbone branch digital platforms. State services, Fin-services , Honey - services, Обр-services, « Transport services », « Remote sales and purchases », « Sales of tickets on shows » and many others. The platforms will be also controllers, giving out certificates - sanctions to activity. They can be original trade unions, for protection of rights of the workers.
All this will create a uniform infrastructure and well protected integrated цифро-platform of new system states, payments and Business. A lot of more functional and reliable, than well-known X-Road in Estonia or ЕФИР in the Russian Federation.
Here is how the platform - « Transport services, in SDB worked. You start on smart-phone the нац-appendix- « Transport services », you choose it is allowable, -« the Taxi , the Lorry or the Three of horses with the carriage ». You define (determine) a category of comfort, a route whence - where (on a card (map) and GPS) and you press on To execute. Also it is possible to order in voice.
It is displayed 5 the responded taxi drivers nearest to you, with a floor price of transportation and with the highest reputation of drivers (analyzes the Appendix). Look a photo авто and taxi drivers, you choose, you prove to be true / coordinate the address and time of departure. For safety, all is fixed by the automatic device on yours smart-phone, smart-phone the executor and on server soft the Platform - integrator.
On the termination(ending) of trip bluetooth or NFС-payment smart-phone, with your ack nowled gement (confirmation) on biometrics and the stipulated sum of money was transferred from your account on the account of the driver, auto-minus taxes. At once it was possible to estimate and quality of service, in points or to challenge in Potrebnadzore or ATS.
And each citizen having the driver's license, could receive the a
But has made failure, has lost health or Reputation, automatically you lose the right of use of the Platform and transportation of passengers. You continue - two penal preventions (warnings), voice and text on yours smart-phone, and then confiscation « instruments of a crime ». So competitive struggle of workers moves from sphere " massacre " in sphere of culture, quality of services and reputations of drivers.
To create such platforms it is desirable for all states of EU that it was possible to organize the account Busines and taxation in real time, from each transaction, having avoided the double taxation. And taxes to possession can be national and auto-collect once a year.
With such technologies in SDB, it will be possible to lower in times taxes to incomes of physical persons (up to 3 %), and then to proceed(pass) and to more fair taxation proportional to total cost of possession and charges of the person. Money have no price,material objects, actives and passives which people and spent time own have the price material and not.
Such preferential taxation, wide and idle time sharing (rent, hire) the grounds, the expensive equipment, car conducted, clothes etc. joint possession, will cut expenses on amortization. That will involve foreign investors and will entail higher competitive ability of the national goods and services in the world market. I.e. people in SDB begins richman and more freely to live!
Banks and Investments.
The note. Saving fund of an euro zone, for SDB can become 800 billion the euro, postponed on development SDB. (2Lv=1Euro, 14 % of the population for transition to Euro) - from MASS-MEDIA.
The status of fin-bank system, today too bloated in state and an economic board, in damage of manufacturers of the goods and services. Therefore the role of bankers in a digital society « full cashlessа » should be reduced promptly. Banks in many respects became powerful IT-divisions, instead of storehouses fiat and precious metal, and all receipts, bills and other documents for a long time already became digital. Other financial institutions are necessary for smart-investments of digital development.
In an idealin SDB, at transition on full cashless payment enough five Digital banks, from 100% state-owned.
The national State Bank of the Ministry of Finance, from the right of emission of state-money and storage of gold - currency and other reserve stocks.
National bank (for all physical persons),
Business bank (for all legal persons),
Ground bank - for operations with possession, the real estate, the ground and natural resources etc.
Vnesh bank - for currency exchanges, calculations with abroad, at departure / entrance from the country, through the World bank or directly with нац banks of others стан.
In (IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) banks were only digital «coin boxes - purses of another's money », with simple remote access of owners. Also provided precise identification, safety of storage, transactions - translations from accounts and an interbank exchange. Under supervision of the Bank - appendix with II personal smart-phone the owner and systems of safety with II at banks. Banks also gave out short-term turnaround and consumer credits for Business and physical persons. But without the right of banks of possession Business, in case of bankruptcies.
I.e. all money of people and Business were in banks, as records in databases, but long-term business of the investment of these huge non-cash means of accumulation of people were deduced (removed) from under jurisdiction of banks and transferred structure of the Ministry of Finance, under the name- service of private (individual) certificated Investment Inspectors (InIN), without the right of gamble.