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m=(8m1±z1)/3=(8×722+5639)/3=3805; z2=61×38052−1=297182


m=(8m1±z1)/3=(8×722+5639)/3=3805; z12=61×7222−1=297182


m=(8m1±z1)/3=(8×722+5639)/3=3805; z22=61×1372−1=297182


m3=(8m4±z4)/3=(8×5+38)/3=26; z32=61×262−27=2032


m4=(8m5±z5)/3=(8×2−1)/3=5; z42=61×52−81=382


m5=2; z52=1

We will not reveal all nuances of this method, otherwise all interest to this problem would have been lost. We only note that in comparison with Wallis method where the descent method is not used, here it is present in an explicit form. This is expressed in the fact that if the numbers m and z satisfying the equation 61m2–z2=1 exist, then there must still exist numbers m1<m and z1<z satisfying the equation 61m12–z12=3, as well as the numbers m2<m1 and z2<z1, from equation 61m22–z22=9, etc. up to the minimum values m5<m4 and z5<z4. The number 3 appearing in the descent is calculated as 64 – 61, that is, as the difference between 61 and the square closest to it. Calculations as well as in the Wallis method are carried out in the reverse order i.e. only after the minimum values of m5 and z5 have been calculated. As a result, we get:

m=3805; z=29718



Of course, co

It would be simply excellent if today's science could explain Fermat's method in every detail, but even the ghostly hopes for this are not yet visible. It would be more realistic to expect that attempts will be made to refute this example as demonstration a method of solving the problem unknown to science. Nevertheless, science will have to reckon with the fact that this example is still the only one in history (!!!) confirmation of what Fermat said in his letter-testament. When this secret is fully revealed, then all skeptics will be put to shame and they will have no choice, but to recognize Fermat as greater than all the other greatest scientists because they were recognized as such mainly because they created theories so difficult for normal people to understand that they could only cause immense horror among students who now have to take the rap for such a science.43




In this sense, the following example of solving a problem using the descent method will be particularly interesting because it was proposed in a letter from Fermat to Merse

3.4.4. Fermat’s Problem with Age 385 years

In the original version in 1636 this task was formulated as follows:

Find two square-squares, which sum is equal to a square-square,

or two cubes, which sum is a cube.

This formulation was used by Fermat's opponents as the fact that Fermat had no proof of the FLT and limited himself to only these two special cases. However, the very name "The Fermat’s Last Theorem" appeared only after the publication of "Arithmetic" by Diophantus with Fermat's remarks in 1670 i.e. five years after his death. So, there is no any reason to assert that Fermat a

The first case for the fourth power we have presented in detail in Appendix II. As for the case for the third power, Fermat's own proof method restored by us below, will not leave any chances to the solutions of this problem of Euler and Weil to remain in history of science, since from the point of view of the simplicity and elegance of the author's solution this problem, they will become just u

Now then, to prove that there are no two cubes whose sum is a cube, we use the simplest approach based on divisibility of numbers, what means that in the original equation

a3+b3 = c3 (1)

the numbers a, b, and c can be considered as coprime ones, i.e. they do not have common factors, but in general case this is not necessary, since if we prove that equation (1) ca

c3 = c2(x+y) = a3+b3 (2)

In this case, it is easily to see that there is only one way to get solutions to equation (1) when the numbers c, x, y, and x+y are cubes, i.e.

с = x+y = p3+q3= z3; x = p3; y = q3 (3)

Then equation (1) must have the form:

(z3)3 = (z2)3(p3+q3) (4)

Thus, we found that if there are numbers a, b, and c that satisfy equation (1), then there must be numbers p<a, q<b, and z<c that satisfy equations (3)

p3+q3= z3

If we now apply the same approach to solving this equation, that we applied to solving equation (1), we will get the same equation, only with smaller numbers. However, since it is impossible to infinitely reduce natural numbers, it follows that equation (1) has no solutions in integers.

At first glance, we have received a very simple and quite convincing proof of the Fermat problem by the descent method, which no one has been able to obtain in such a simple way for 385 years, and we can only be happy about it. However, such a conclusion would be too hasty, since this proof is actually incorrect and can be refuted in the most unexpected way.


Examples are in many videos from the Internet. However, these examples in no way detract from the merits of professors who know their job perfectly.