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It is obvious that students with the knowledge of solving such a task will be simply a head over the current students who are trained in the methods of determining the divisibility by only some small numbers. But if they else know a couple of the Fermat's theorems, they can easily solve also the more difficult problem:

Find two pairs of squares, each of which adds up to the same number

in the seventh power, for example,

2217=1511140542+539693052=82736654 2+1374874152

Compared to the previous task where calculations are not needed at all, in solving this task, even with a computer calculator you have to tinker with half an hour to achieve a result, while apart from understanding the essence of the problem solution, you need to show a fair amount of patience, perseverance and attention. And who understands the essence of the solution, will be able to find other solutions to this problem.30

Of course, such tasks can cause a real shock to today's students and especially to their parents who will even demand not to “dry the brains” of children. But if children's brains are not filled with elementary knowledge and not trained by solving the corresponding tasks, they will wither by themselves. This is proven by the statistics of the steady decline in today's students IQ compared with their predecessors. Really in fact, the above tasks are only a warm-up for the young generation, but children could produce a real furor for mathematicians offering them some simple Fermat's theorems about magic numbers (see Pt. 4.4.). And this is else a big question, could these theorems being solved by today's professors or will they again need some three hundred years and the story with the FLT will repeat? However, the chances of them in contrast to previous times, are very high because magic numbers are a direct consequence of the same “truly amazing” proof of the FLT, about the existence of which we have direct written evidence from Fermat himself.

Reconstruction of this proof was briefly published as early as 2008 [30], but the unholy was on the alert and presented this event so, that modern science disoriented by the false notion that the problem was solved long ago, has not paid on this any attention. However, all secret sooner or later becomes clear and the decisive word in spite of everything, still remains for science. The question now is only when this science will finally awaken and comes to his senses. The longer it will be in a blissful state of oblivion, the sooner the terrible events will come that already now begi

In order for science to win a well-deserved victory over the gloom of ignorance and mass disinformation, which are triumphant today, it needs very little. For the begi

We already did something in this direction when we restored the FLT recording in the margins of Diophantus 'Arithmetic' (see pic. 5 and the translation in the end of Pt. 1). Now, by all means, we need to get a complete picture of the whole sequence of events that led to the discovery of the FLT in its final wording published in 1670. It will not be easily at all, but since we got involved in this story, now we have nowhere to retreat and we will strain all our forces to achieve the aim. Fortunately, for this we have all the opportunities granted to us from above to get the coveted access to the cache of the Toulousean senator.

3. What is a Number?

3.1. Definition the Notion of Number

The question about the essence the notion of number at all times was for scientists the thing-in-itself. They of course, understood that they could not distinctly answer this question as well as they could not admit in this since this would have a bad effect on maintaining the prestige of science. What is the problem here? The fact is that in all cases a number must be obtained from other numbers, otherwise it ca

Scientists having a question about the nature of numbers immediately ran into this problem and came to the conclusion that a general definition the notion of number simply does not exist. But not a such was Pierre Fermat who approached this problem from other side. He asked: “Where does the notion of number come from?” And came to the conclusion that his predecessors were the notions “more”, “less” and “equal” as the comparisons’ results of some properties inherent to different objects [30].

If different objects are compared in some property with the same object then such a notion as a measurement appears, so perhaps is the essence of a number possible revealed through a measurement? However, it is not so. In relation to the measurement, the number is primary i.e. if there are no numbers, there can be no also measurements. Understanding the essence of the number becomes possible only after establishing the number is inextricably co

But this notion is not difficult to determine:

A function is a given sequence of actions with its arguments.

In turn, actions ca

Number is an objective reality existing as a countable quantity, which consists of function arguments and actions between them.

For example, a+b+c=d where a, b, c are arguments, d is a countable quantity or the number value.32

To understand what a gap separates Pierre Fermat from the rest of the science’s world, it is enough to compare this simple definition with the understanding existing in today's science [13, 29]. But understanding clearly presenting in the scientific works of Fermat, allowed him still in those distant times to achieve results that for other scientists were either fraught with extreme difficulties or even unattainable. It may be given also the broader definition the notion of number, namely:

A number is a kind of data represented as a function.

This extended definition the notion of number goes beyond frameworks mathematics; therefore, it can be called as general one and the previous definition as mathematical. In this second definition, it is necessary to clarify the essence the notion of “data”, however, for modern science this question is no less difficult than the question about the essence of the notion a number.33

From the general definition the notion of number follows the truth of the famous Pythagoras' statement that everything existing can be reflected as a number. Indeed, if a number is a special kind of information, this statement very bold at that time, was not only justified, but also confirmed by the modern practice of its use on computers where three well-known methods of representing data are implemented: numerical (or digitized), symbolic (or textual) and analog (images, sound, and video). All three methods exist simultaneously.


To solve this problem, you need to use the formula that presented as the identity: (a2+b2)×(c2+d2)=(ac+bd)2+(ad−bc)2=(ac−bd)2+(ad+bc)2. We take two numbers 4 + 9 = 13 and 1 + 16 = 17. Their product will be 13×17 = 221 = (4 + 9) × (1+16) = (2×1 + 3×4)2 + (2×4 − 3×1)2 = (2×1 − 3×4)2 + (2×4 + 3×1)2 = 142 + 52 = 102 + 112; Now if 2216 = (2213)2 = 107938612; then the required result will be 2217 = (142 + 52)×107938612 = (14×10793861)2 + (5×10793861)2 = 1511140542 + 539693052 = (102 + 112)×107938612=(10×10793861)2 + (11×10793861)2=1079386102 + 1187324712; But you can go also the other way if you submit the initial numbers for example, as follows: 2212 = (142 + 52)×(102 + 112) = (14×10 + 5×11)2 + (14×11 − 5×10)2 = (14×10 − 5×11)2 + (14×11+5×10)2 = 1952 + 1042 = 852 + 2042; 2213 = 2212×221 = (1952 + 1042)×(102 + 112) = (195×10 + 104×11)2 + (195×11 − 104×10)2 = (195×10 − 104×11)2 +(195×11 + 104 × 10)2 = 3 0942 + 11052 = 8062 + 31852; 2214 = (1952 + 1042)×(852 + 2042) = (195×85 + 104×204)2 + (195×204 − 85×104)2 = (195×85 − 104×204)2 + (195×204 + 85×104)2 = 377912 + 309402 = 46412 + 486202; 2217 = 2213×2214 = (30942 + 11052)×(377912 + 309402) = (3094×37791 + 1105×30940)2 + (3094×30940 − 1105×37791)2 = (3094×37791 − 1105×30940)2 + (3094×30940 + 1105×37791)2; 2217 = 1511140542 + 539693052 = 827366542 + 1374874152


If Fermat's working notes were found, it would turn out that his methods for solving tasks are much simpler than those that are now known, i.e. the current science has not yet reached the level that took place in his lost works. But how could it happen that these recordings disappeared? There may be two possible versions. The first version is being Fermat’s cache, which no one knew about him. If this was so, there is almost no chance it has persisted. The house in Toulouse, where the Fermat lived with his family, was not preserved, otherwise there would have been a museum. Then there remain the places of work, this is the Toulouse Capitol (rebuilt in 1750) and the building in the city of Castres (not preserved) where Fermat led the meeting of judges. Only ghostly chances are that at least some walls have been preserved from those times. Another version is that Fermat’s papers were in his family’s possession, but for some reason were not preserved (see Appendix IV, year 1660, 1663 and 1680).


For mathematicians and programmers, the notion of function argument is quite common and has long been generally accepted. In particular, f (x, y, z) denotes a function with variable arguments x, y, z. The definition of the essence of a number through the notion of function arguments makes it very simple, understandable and effective since everything what is known about the number, comes from here and all what this definition does not correspond, should be questioned. This is not just the necessary caution, but also an effective way to test the strength of all kinds of structures, which quietly replace the essence of the number with dubious i


An exact definition the notion of data does not exist unless it includes a description from the explanatory dictionary. From here follows the uncertainty of its derivative notions such as data format, data processing, data operations etc. Such vague terminology generates a formulaic thinking, indicating that the mind does not develop, but becomes dull and by reaching in this mishmash of empty words critical point, it simply ceases to think. In this work, a definition the notion of “data” is given in Pt. 5.3.2. But for this it is necessary to give the most general definition the notion of information, which in its difficulty will be else greater than the definition the notion of number since the number itself is an information. The advances in this matter are so significant that after they will follow a real technological breakthrough with such potential of efficiency, which will be incomparably higher than which was due to the advent of computers.