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My way of seeing things has always been very direct and realistic, which has sometimes been a problem; that is why coaching has been such a satisfying job for me for years. And I have dedicated myself to studying it and specializing deeply in it. But in doing so I saw that I did not identify with anything, but along the way I have found great teachers from other branches that have helped me understand them.

I have had to recycle myself to give the best of myself, as I have always done in any project. But really in this one the difference is that not only I can explain it, but you can apply it, learn and get to use it.

Not just for yourselves but for other people. There are different ways to study and this is what is finally being seen and recognized. All are valid once the level is recognized and checked. The one who learns from the begi

Today it is proven that studying, reading, music, singing songs (things that before when doing them were not given importance although we are older), all that makes your life better and your brain is more active. If you have a dream you have to pursue it, no matter what age, the experience is something that adds up apart from what you learn by reading.

I will also show you different Coaching that you have not stopped to see or observe, that you have in front of you and that will have helped you at some point in your life. Or simply you will be it and it will be your strong point, why not improve it and take advantage of it? There is always talk of the four or five best known and they are all of equal value.

In order to speak well of some of them, I have studied the subject because it was totally profane in the matter. Thanks to that I liked them, but the best thing is that I found people who made me understand the concepts very well, to get to understand them; so I could work on it perfectly if I wanted to.

That's what a good coach is, that when he explains something to you, he transmits passion, gives you tools so that you can develop, and shows you in a clear way your qualities and your deficiencies in that matter.

I have to admit that there are some issues that I could explain, but I could not put them into practice. What you have to do there is to refer someone and share the work.

Remember that a coach is someone who takes you by the hand and accompanies you in your life for a short time, helping you to achieve goals, giving you the necessary tools to do so. One thing is that after a while the situation or your life changes, and you cross paths again, but for a totally different reason.

I have been working as a coach for many years because of my background, both for my profession that you all know, and for my love of studying and researching; a whole sector that was sensitive-intuitive like me had been excluded.

For this reason I decided to get to work, because when someone has an idea and a dream has to get to work on it. The first thing I did was to analyze the weaknesses, threats, opportunities and strengths of the new method, what it could bring to people. And what I had to do was finish preparing myself very well.

According to Abraham Maslow and his humanist theory, there is a series of needs that the individual has to satisfy, establishing a hierarchy and order for his satisfaction in the form of a pyramid. From them he deduces that all people need to feel integrated in a group.

The first needs such as basic or physiological were covered. These are the ones inherent in every person and basic for the survival of the individual such as breathing, dressing, feeding, etc.

Then I began to study, to make things right at home. I started to work because I wanted to be independent, also to understand myself spiritually with everything that had happened to me in a short space of my life. These needs were for security.

I investigated and inquired about what I liked. I began to meet professionals and started to get to know people; affection was created. These were the social needs.

The take-off was to create my books, to explain everything I liked by transforming it into words, being able to share everything I discovered. I was respected, I had recognition and esteem for people.

And finally my main need for self-realization is to create a method in which people can help themselves, grow and stand on their own feet: I

That is what I have been preparing and studying for all these years. It is where I wanted to get, that people accept themselves without prejudice, valuing themselves and not being afraid of themselves. Seeing that every quality is a virtue and what we have often been told is a defect, well worked can serve as a quality or distraction to achieve our goal. But above all, let's not harm ourselves or let others be harmed by it.

When I was researching there were many types of coaching, but only some were talked about and the others were overlooked; since they were not commercial or given the necessary importance.

But each one in its own style has to have the same value, even if it is really very difficult or almost impossible to explain or to get to value it, because of the time or the dedication it takes.

It is like a gemologist who cuts a diamond; its value is for a lifetime. Or someone who makes something to fit you and you love it, has known how to take your essence in a conversation and translate it into a few conversations. He has captured the essence of what you need, what he would be is a lifelong tailor, for example. He who makes you something and you don't get tired of wearing it, you would never take it off. This is the sector of true craftsmen, who have already lost their way and are almost gone.

So for me, there is no better or worse coaching but it depends on what you need in each moment or the value it will bring to your life.

Thanks to the information and communication technologies, the internet and great communicators that exist today, techniques that have always existed and that can help you are becoming known.

We all shine in something, what you have to find is that you shine, make yourself strong and enjoy it.

What I am going to explain to you are simple things that exist around you, so that you can use them, understand them better, to live the day to day with total comfort taking better advantage of the moments.

At no time do they have to be something rigid, you have to make them flexible, generating them and using them according to the intuition that you will be developing.

This is the basic concept that you will always perceive in the series of I

Chapter 3- Sorry, but don't forget.

We are in a society where they spend all day saying that we have to forgive and forget. Which, logically and coherently, is not the right thing to do.

What is the right thing to do? We have to learn to forgive ourselves, we have to learn to forget about toxic people, to be able to leave them behind, to be able to leave relationships, or if it is at work, not to be affected or disturbed and to be able to reconcile our working life with them.

But why do people spend all their time saying forgive and forget?

Would you tell a child you see putting his hands in the socket or on the fire and burning, to repeat the action each time, or would you put your hand in the fire each time to burn? That would be an abuse. The same thing is repeating that situation over and over again on an emotional level.

Chemistry exists, it is something that ca