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Таким образом, во втором разделе монографии представлен спектр результатов научно-исследовательской деятельности отечественных и зарубежных лингвистов, филологов, литературоведов, культурологов, искусствоведов и педагогов, различающихся методологической базой, исследовательскими технологиями и концептуально-понятийным аппаратом, но при этом сходных в стремлении дешифровать культурные коды Азии и познать глубинные механизмы их проявления в современном глобальном информационно-коммуникативном пространстве.

1. Китайский проект глобализации

Растущее влияние Китая на Балканах: вызовы и перспективы

Появление Китая как участника региональной политики на Балканах – совершенно новое явление. Влияние Китая и в экономике, и в политике неуклонно растет, и были предприняты взаимные шаги для укрепления военного сотрудничества. Китайские компании стали важнейшими инвесторами, от которых зависит экономическое развитие в регионе, китайские банки финансируют крупные инфраструктурные проекты в регионе. Заметным стало и присутствие Китая в культурной политике, появились центры научного сотрудничества. Учитывая, что ЕС и НАТО считают Китай геополитическим противником, нет сомнения, что они используют институциональные механизмы и экономическое давление для сдерживания Китая на Балканах. Но в свете итогов сотрудничества между Китаем и балканскими странами у этого формата есть перспективы. Тем не менее в будущем это сотрудничество ждут серьезные испытания.

Ключевые слова: Китай, Балканы, Западные Балканы, китайское влияние, ЕС, НАТО.

The emergence of China as a regional policy actor in the Balkans is a completely new phenomenon. China’s influence has been growing, both in economy and in politics, and initial steps have been taken to improve military relations. To date, Chinese companies have become indispensable investors, on which economic growth in the region depends, and banks are important lenders that finance the construction of some of the most important infrastructure projects. The offensive of Chinese institutions in the field of cultural diplomacy is also visible, with the expansion of scientific cooperation with research centers in the Balkans. Given that the EU and NATO have recognized China as a geopolitical challenger and Chinfluence as a threat, it is undoubted that they will use institutional mechanisms and economic leverage to attempt to limit or squeeze China out of the Balkans. From the perspective of the ten-year development of relations between China and the Balkan countries, this format has a perspective. At the same time, looking at the long-term interests of the EU and NATO, there are many challenges ahead.

Keywords: China, Balkans, Western Balkans, Chinfluence, EU, NATO.


The emergence of China as a regional policy actor in the Balkans is a completely new phenomenon. Namely, from 1958 to 1978, China established special ties with Albania. China returned to this region 30 years later. Since 2009, China’s influence has been growing, both in economy and in politics.

The growth of Chinese influence in the Balkans has been recorded since the implementation of the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Intensified political contacts and first investments emerged in 2009, at the stage when the BRI was being prepared. Since 2013, we have been witnessing a kind of “eruption” [Dimitrijević, Ping, 2017].

The Balkan Peninsula is an integral part of the European (Maritime) Route. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang “described the port of Piraeus as a pearl in the Mediterranean Sea and said it could become one of the most competitive ports of the world”1. Also, the Balkans is well co

As a result, in September 2019, a direct railway co

Тhe CEE (Central – Eastern Europe) region “is attractive to China thanks to its strategic geographical position for the New Silk Road project, its high-skilled yet cheap labour, and its open trade and investment environment.” [Stanzel, 2016. P. 1].

Тable 1: Land and Maritime routes – Belt and Road Initiative3

Table 2: Chinese firms’ major construction contracts in the Western Balkans, 2010–2017 [Holzner, Schwarzhappel, 2018. P. 17]

The number of major Chinese projects contracted in the Western Balkans (shown in Table 2) “since the outbreak of the global financial crisis is non-negligible. Overall, Chinese infrastructure projects make up about USD 9.1 billion (EUR 7.8 billion). Almost 90% of these, however, have been initiated only since 2013. The most important transport sector contractor is the predominantly state-owned China Communications Construction Company. In the energy sector, the state-owned China National Machinery Industry Corporation – known as Sinomach – is the leading contractor. Geographically, the prime target of Chinese construction contracts is Serbia.” [Holzner, Schwarzhappel, 2018. P. 17]. The increased interest of Chinese investors and banks in investing in Greece is also evident (shown in Table 3).

In Bulgaria „In the realm of infrastructure, the China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) signed in 2019 a €120 million contract with the joint stock company Logistical Center-Varna for the joint development of port infrastructure in Bulgaria’s largest seaside city of Varna. This is the first project of its kind that Beijing is going to realize in Bulgaria and is part of the Belt and Road Initiative. China has also made a major investment in i


Renee Maltezou. Greece seeks role as China’s gateway to Europe // Reuters, June 20, 2014. URL: https://www.reuters.com/article/greece-china-assets/update-1-greece-seeks-role-as-chinas-gateway-to-europe-idUSL6N0P14DW20140620 (date of access: 01.09.2019).


Ljudmila Cvetković. Prvi teretni voz iz Kine putuje ka Srbiji // Radio Slobodna Evropa, oktobar 1, 2019. URL: https://www.slobodnaevropa.org/a/srbija-kina-teretni-voz/30193560.html (date of access: 02.10.2019).


According to: Bala Ramasamy, Matthew Yeung, Chorthip Utoktham, Ya


Rumena Filipova. Chinese Influence in Bulgaria: Knocking on a Wide Open Door? // China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe, September 09 2019. URL: https://chinaobservers.eu/chinese-influence-in-bulgaria-knocking-on-a-wide-open-door/ (date of access: 02.10.2019.