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For what do I live? For pleasure. What do I want? Happiness. What can I wish you, my readers? Wealth, of course. Why? Just because happiness is not in money but in its quantity. Wealth means money in good quantity, so when you are wealthy and smart enough to use it properly you can be happy.

Don’t worry! Be happy!


1. Mercedes – Мерседес-Бенц

2. BMW – БМВ

3. Porsche – Порше

4. Lamborghini – Ламборгини

5. Jaguar – Ягуар

6. Lugano – Лугано, город в швейцарском италоговорящем кантоне Тичино.

7. Lake Como – Озеро Комо, одно из самых красивых мест в Италии.

8. The Maldives – Мальдивы, острова в Индийском океане.

9. The Saychelles – Сейшелы, острова в Индийском океане.

10. Mauritius – Маврикий, остров в 900 км. к востоку от Мадагаскара.

11. The Bahamas – Багамы, острова к северу от Карибского моря и Кубы.

12. French Polynesia – Французская Полинезия, острова в южной части Тихого океана.

13. The Caribbean – Карибы, острова в Карибском море и Мексиканском заливе.


1. luxury – роскошь. Стоя перед другим существительным, переводится прилагательным роскошный.

My family has a luxury life. We live in luxury. He has a luxury car.

2. mansionособняк.

I like this mansion built in the imperial style and I want to buy it.

3. paramourлюбовник, любовница.

My paramour is so sexy that everybody stares at her when we pass by.

4. glossyблестящий, гладкий, глянцевый.

My elder sister can’t live without reading glossy magazines.

5. existenceсуществование.

I have no doubt in the existence of God.

6. silence тишина, молчание.

Keep silence and make money, my son!

7. divorceразвод.

When you can’t bear your spouse any longer you file for divorce.

8. adore – обожать, боготворить.

I adore my wife and my wife adores me.

9. opportunityвозможность.

Each time when you have a good opportunity to get something profitable you must catch it.

10. steal (stole, stolen)красть, воровать.

It isn’t good to steal money, it’s better to earn it.

11. budgetбюджет.

If you have a tight budget you should make more money, my friends.

12. law закон.

If you are not rich you have to abide laws.

13. corrupt продажный, коррупционный, порочный.

Politicians are so corrupt that no doctor can help them, only a long prison sentence can.

14. guy парень.

This guy is not a gay but a freak from the city slum.

15. gayгомосексуалист.

This gay is a good guy from a rich and respected family.

16. wasteтратить впустую, транжирить.

Don’t waste your time and money, don’t be a fool.

17. nicknameпрозвище, кличка.

He looks so fu

18. charmingочаровательный.

Her charming smile pushes him to spend millions on her.

19. spenderтранжира, мот, расточитель.

He is a spender and can’t stop wasting money.

20. fortuneудача, успех; богатство, состояние.

He spends a fortune on buying rare plants for his garden in the south of France.

21. rejuvenatingомолаживающий.

La Prairi and la Mer are two perfect rejuvenating creams she always uses.

22. treatmentлечение, обслуживание.

This clinic provides the best medical treatment in the city.

23. stuffвещи, начинка; персонал.

What’s the stuff of this pie? I like the stuff of your company, it is very polite and professional.

24. gorgeousшикарный, великолепный, роскошный.

Her gorgeous dress drives me crazy.

25. bullshitчушь собачья, ерунда, фигня, бред.

All his political speeches are bullshit and nothing else.

26. instead of вместо.

€ Instead of going to London we want to go to Berlin.

27. heirнаследник.

He is the only heir in the family and many beautiful girls want to marry him.

28. unfortunatelyк несчастью.

€ Unfortunately, he can’t marry her because she loves another man.

29. impossible – невозможный; невозможно.

This mission is impossible but not for me.

30. come trueисполниться.

If you believe in yourself all your dreams come true.

31. coolкруто; крутой, классный.