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(6) Agawa Hiroyuki, The Reluctant Admiral (Tokyo: Kadansha International, 1979), p. 347.

(7) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 2, BBC Radio 4, 12 March 1980.

(8) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 3, BBC Radio 4, 27 January 1982.

(9) Spiller, 'Assessing Ultra', p. 19.

(10) D. Homer, 'Special Intelligence in the South-West Pacific Area in World War II', Australian Outlook, vol. 32, no. 3 (1978), p. 316.

(11) Spiller, 'Assessing Ultra', p. 22; and Ralph Be

(12) Stephen E. Ambrose, "Elsenhower and the Intelligence Community in World War II', Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 16 (1981), p. 158.

(13) 'Der Einfkuss alliierten Funkaufklarung auf den Verlauf des Zweiten Weltkrieges', Vierteljahreshefte fur Zeitgeschichte, vol. 27, no. 3 (1979), pp. 362-3.

(14) Ambrose, 'Eisenhower', pp. 158-9.

(15) Calvocoressi, Top Secret Ultra, p. 108.

(16) 'Interim', British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review, no. 19 (4 March 1946), in the Liddell Hart Papers under German Intelligence in the West, 1944-1945, File on Col M. University of London, King's College Centre for Military Archives.

(17) Gunther Blumentritt, 14 August 1942, Liddell Hart Papers, 9/24/229, Intelligence.

(18) J. Rohwer, and E. Jackel (eds). Die Funkaufklarung und ihre Rolle im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Stuttgart: Motorbuch, 1979), p. 111.

(19) Spiller, Assessing Ultra', p. 18.

(20) Andrew Hodges, Alan Turing: the Enigma of Intelligence (London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1985), p. 244.

(21) Aileen Clayton, The Enemy Is Listening (London: Hutchinson, 1980), pp. 79-85.

(22) Philby, My Silent War, p. 38.

(23) Hinsley, British Intelligence, vol. 1, p. 178.

(24) Calvocoressi, Top Secret Ultra, p. 58.

(25) Be

(26) Peter Calvocoressi, 'Ne Plus Ultra World War', The Times. 3 May 1984.

(27) Be

(28) Spiller, 'Assessing Ultra', p. 20.

(29) Kahn 'International Conference on Ultra', p. 98.

(30) James Rusbridger, 'Secrets of Enigma", The Times, 17 May 1985.

(31) F. D. Shirreff, 'Some Experience with Special Signals', Mercury. The Magazine of the Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society (1981-2).

(32) David Kahn, 'Codebreaking in World Wars I and II', Historical Journal, vol. 23 no. 3 (1980), p. 624.

(33) Hodges, Alan Turing, p. 261.

(34) Calvocoressi, Top Secret Ultra, p. 85.

(35) Kahn, 'Codebreaking', p. 624.

(36) His obituary in The Times. 31 August 1971.


(37) See James Rusbridger, 'The Sinking of the Automedon, the Capture of the Nankin, Encounter, May 1985.

(38) Calvocoressi, Top Secret Ultra, p. 94.

(39) Respectively: Nicholson in interview with author, 1967; Thomas O'Toole, 'World War II - Some Additional Postscripts Come to Light', International Herald Tribune (Paris), 14 September 1978; and interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.

(40) Waldemar Werther, as reported in Rohwer and Jackel, Funkaufklarung, p. 65.

(41) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 3, BBC Radio 4, 27 January 1982.

Глава 9

(1) John Erickson, The Road to Stalingrad (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1975), p. 89.

(2) ibid

(3) See M Toscano, Designs in Diplomacy (Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins Press, 1970), pp. 406-10.

(4) Skardon in interview with Leitch, 1980.

(5) Robert Cecil, 'The Cambridge Comintern', in C. Andrew and D. Dilks (eds). The Missing Dimension (London: Macmillan, 1984), p. 181.

(6) Cecil, 'Cambridge Comintern', p. 181.

(7) Gordon Brook-Shepherd, The Storm Petrels (London: Collins, 1977), pp. 172-5.

(8) Cecil, 'Cambridge Comintern', pp. 181-2.

(9) Geoffrey McDermott in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.

(10) Letter from Liddell of Ml 5 to Johnson of American Embassy, 26 December 1940, US National Archives, Washington DC.

(11) Private letter to Page, Leitch and Knightley, 3 August 1967.

(12) Bruce Page, 'The Endless Quest for Supermole', New Statesman, 21 September 1979, p. 414.

(13) M. Sayle, 'Conversations with Philby', Sunday Times, 17 December 1967.

(14) Page, Leitch and Knightley, Philby, p. 51.

(15) Philby, My Silent War. p. xviii.

(16) Letter to Harold Nicholson, undated.

(17) Nigel Wade, 'Soviet Press Praises Philby', Sunday Telegraph, 10 August 1980.

(18) Sayle, 'Conversations with Philby', cit. at n. 13.

(19) Cesil, 'Cambridge Comintern', p. 19.

(20) Toscano, Designs in Diplomacy, p. 409.

(21) Letter from Philby to author, 18 February 1974.

(22) Cecil, 'Cambridge Comintern', p. 175.

(23) See Chalmers Johnson, An Instance of Treason (Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle, 1977).

(24) C. Johnson, Treason, p. 154.

(25) ibid., p. 154.

(26) Erickson, Road to Stalingrad, p. 239.

(27) Heinrich Haape, quoted in Desmond Flower and James Reeves (eds), The war 1939-1945. vol. 1 (London: Panther, 1967). p. 339.

(28) C. Johnson, Treuson. p. 18.

(29) ibid., p. 159.

(30) ibid., p. 172.

(31) Reported by the Associated Press in the Japan Times, 17 March 1975.

(32) Erickson, Road to Stalingrad, p. 54.

(33) Hinsley, British Intelligence, vol. 1, pp. 435-6.

(34) Erickson, Road to Stalingrad, p. 58.

(35) Hinsley, British Intelligence, vol. 1, pp. 443-4.

(36) Erickson, Road to Stalingrad, p. 75.

(37) Hinsley, British Intelligence, vol. 1, pp. 480-2.

(38) Philby, My Silent War, pp. 44-5.

(39) Bentley in interview with Page. Leitch and Knightley, 1967.

(40) Philby, My Silent War, p. 61.

(41) Evidence of Petrov to the Australian Royal Commission, 1955, quoted in Andrew Boyle, The Climate of Treason (London: Hutchinson, 1979), p. 216

(42) Alexander Foote, Handbook for Spies (London: Museum Press, 1949), p. 81.

(43) See, for example: Anthony Read and David Fisher Operation Lucy (London: Hodder & Stoughton. 1980); Chapman Pincher, Their Trade Is Treachery (London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1981); Richard Deacon, A History of the British Secret Service (New


York: Taplinger, 1970); and Constantine Fitzgibbon, Secret Intelligence in the 20th Century (London: Granada, 1978).

(44) Letter from Hinsley to author, 25 April 1984.

(45) Hinsley, Britich Intelligence, vol. 2, pp. 69-70.

(46) Respectively: Deacon, British Secret Service, p. 366; Read and Fisher, Operation Lucy, dustjacket; and Foote, Handbook for Spies, p. 82.

(47) Hinsley, British Intelligence, vol. 2, p. 60.

(48) See Ruth Werner (pseudonym for Kuczynski). Sonjas Rapport (East Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben, 1977); and A. Terry, 'The Housewife who Spied for Russia', Sunday Times, 27 January 1980.

(49) Cable, Foreign Office to Ambassador, Algiers, 6 April 1944, Eden Papers, SOE/44/17/192, Birmingham University.

(50) Cecil, 'Cambridge Comintern', p. 179.

(51) Kuczynski in interview with Anthony Terry, for author, 17 January 1980.

(52) ibid.

(53) Oldfield in interview with author, 13 July 1979.

(54) Hinsley, British Intelligence, vol. 1, p. 441.

Глава 10

(1) R. J. Jeffreys-Jones, Eagle against Empire. United States Opposition to European Imperialism 1898-1981 (Aix-en-Provence: European Association for American Studies, 1983), p. 61.

(2) Jeffrey M. Dorwart, 'The Roosevelt-Astor Espionage Ring', New York History (July 1981), p. 309.

(3) ibid., p. 317.

(4) ibid.

(5) B. Smith. Shadow Warriors, p. 63; and Dorwart 'Roosevelt-Astor Espionage', p. 321.

(6) R. J. Jeffreys-Jones, 'History on Trial: a Critique of the CIA and its Critics', p. 3. Paper delivered at the 9th A

(7) New York Times. 1 December 1938.

(8) West, MI6, pp. 202-3.

(9) Corson, Armies of Ignorance, p. 114; and Anthony Cave Brown. The Last Hero: Wild Bill Donovan (New York: Times Books, 1982), p. 153.

(10) Phillip Knightley, The First Casualty (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975), p. 237.

(11) West, MI6. p. 204.

(12) Cave Brown, Last Hero, p. 156.

(13) ibid., p. 168.

(14) ibid., p. 169; and B. Smith, Shadow Warriors, pp. 68-9.

(15) Cave Brown, Last Hero, p. 170.

(16) B. Smith, Shadow Warriors, p. 21.

(17) ibid., pp. 38-9.

(18) Peter and Leni Gillman, Collar the Lot! (London: Quartet, 1980), p. 85.

(19) ibid., p. 108.

(20) ibid., p. 77.

(21) B. Smith, Shadow Warriors, p. 22.

(22) Professor Margaret Gowing, British Atomic Energy Authority official historian, interview with author, 1984.

(23) B. Smith, Shadow Warriors, pp. 100-5.

(24) Cave Brown, Last Hero, p. 182.

(25) B. Smith, Shadow Warriors, p. 104.

(26) Cave Brown, Last Hero, pp. 226, 233-4; and B. Smith, Shadow Warriors, p. 117.

(27) Cave Brown, Last Hero, pp. 306-7.

(28) See Timothy P. Mulligan, 'According to Colonel Donovan: a Document from the Records of German Military Intelligence', The Historian, November 1983, pp. 78-86.

(29) Cave Brown, Last Hero. pp. 306-8.

(30) ibid., pp. 315-16.

(31) Cave Brown, Last Hero, p. 593.

(32) Weitz in interview with author, 14 September 1984.


(33) Kirkpatrick in interview with David Leitch, on behalf of author, 1979.

(34) R. Harris Smith, OSS (Los Angeles, Calif.: University of California Press, 1972), p. 185.

(35) ibid., p. 9.

(36) Edmond Taylor, Awakening from History (Boston, Mass.: Gambit, 1969), pp. 350-1.

(37) Lyman Kirkpatrick, The Real CIA (New York: Macmillan, 1968), p. 24.

(38) Malcolm Muggeridge, 'Book Review of a Very Limited Edition', Esquire, May 1966, p. 84.

(39) Hinsley, British Intelligence, vol. 2, p. 53.

(40) Stafford, Britain and European Resistance, p. 90.

(41) Edmond Taylor, Richer by Asia (Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 1947) pp. 225-7.

(42) Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular, p. 252.

(43) Respectively: interview with Leitch, September 1979; and R. Smith, OSS, p. 34.

(44) Taylor, Richer by Asia, p. 233.

(45) R. Smith, OSS, pp. 289-90.

(46) Respectively: R. Smith, OSS, p. 286; Cave Brown, Last Hero. p. 625; ibid., p. 644; and Kerby in interview with Page, Leitch and Knightley, 1967.

(47) Cave Brown, Last Hero, p. 609.

(48) R. Smith, OSS, p. 27.

(49) Letter from Philby to author, 1978.

(50) Respectively: Michael Howard, 'The Black Record of the Anglo-Saxons'. Sunday Times, 26 January 1978; and R. Smith. OSS, p. 354.