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During the day, the energy of the Sun helps the activity of all living beings, favouring the confluence of energies and vibrations. At night, on the contrary, the Moon makes the forces more receptive and promotes introspection.

When you want to discover something, whether an infidelity, a secret, or anything related with the loss of an object, you must always do the ritual at night.

If the ritual indicates between 11:00 and 12:00 pm. for a particular ritual, do not think that 5 minutes more or less are not important. Think that at every hour –and even at every second – cosmic vibrations change in leaps and bounds, varying both the results and the potential force.

Do not be surprised that, although the moment of most receptiveness is at night, in some very specific recipes it is indicated to perform other types of rituals. This is because of the mixture of ingredients require specific schedules.

Chapter 5 – The Winds

Winds are yet another phenomenon of nature and, as such, they must be taken into account when performing any ritual.

In some countries such as Argentina, the magicians of Tierra del Fuego never do rituals when the winds blow from the North. However, if the ritual must be done, they recite a spell at the same time and cast nine seashells on it.

In Scotland, when the witches had to start a wind blowing for a spell, they used to soak a piece of cloth, hit it three times on a stone and said the following spell:

“I hit this stone with this cloth so that the wind starts blowing and won’t calm down until I want to.”

Wind from the North: this wind is very favourable to ward off the negative energies that disturb us, both for a personal work or for other people.

Wind from the South: this wind is a very favourable force for any type of ritual. It is very important to accept its influence in those rituals in which the spell is intended for love, passion or for recovering the loved one.

Wind from the East: bear in mind this wind when you want to promote communication, telepathy or new unions.

Wind from the West: this wind is considered by all magicians as the cleansing wind at all levels: mental, physical and spiritual.

Chapter 6 – The Days

Throughout these rituals you will discover that there are favourable phases of the Moon that make them more effective. Well, the same things happen with the days of the week.

It is important to do the spell on the indicated day, otherwise in magic there is no use in doing it.

Below I briefly explain the things you can ask for for each day of the week.

Monday: this day is a general road opener to attract all kinds of relationships, to attract friendship and love, to promote a change of luck at work, for money or to unblock situations.

Tuesday: this day has extra strength and energy to clean and purify homes, workplaces and personal clothing, to remove toxic people and those who disturb you, and to clean your environment.

Wednesday: this day is ideal to strengthen all kinds of unions, whether emotional or business. Also to improve health and harmony between people. It is the best day to activate communication.

Thursday: use this day to create your talismans, light candles for cleanings and for rituals for prosperity and material well-being. Also to ask for a job, activate the economy and to ask for clarity to see where to go.

Friday: this day is special to get a job, remove negative vibrations, and boost love and personal magnetism. To believe in oneself, to decide which paths to follow, to work at a spiritual level, to attract and think what type of relationship you want in your life, and if in a relationship to strengthen it even more.

Saturday: this is the right day to influence love conquest and unblock stagnant issues. It is the day for cleansing and removing anything negative, both for you as for anyone you love.

Sunday: to move away or remove any kind of bad vibrations. It is the best day to co

Chapter 7 – The candles

When making potions and rituals with Home Magic, candles are very important. I will give you four brushstrokes throughout the book, since what I could explain to you, I would give to write an entire book.

Chapter 8 – The Water

Water is essential when practicing Home Magic. You have to put a glass of water nearby, whenever you want to perform any type of spell.

Better if it is a glass of ru

It is important to keep the water in the glass clean as this cleans the room of any negative energy that may be present.

The fact of having the glass of water halfway, is related to the fact that half of the human body is made up of water, and the water represents in ritual the physical aspect of the human being.

Chapter 9 – Your Protection: The Talisman.

Talismans is an important part since it implies the protection that everyone needs when they perform a ritual or practice magic.

You can find them on my website or my YouTube page, for information.

Also if you can't buy one or have it done, I explain in my book how to do it.

Chapter 10 – Your i

Preparation in clothing is important because you have to feel comfortable with the clothes you wear, so that nothing distracts you when performing the ritual.

It is usually recommended to use light colours such as white or beige, so that the energy flows.

No less important is your i

Either way is valid, the important thing is that you feel predisposed to do magic.

Chapter 11- The importance of prayer and invocation

The prayer and invocation of each ritual is very important.

It depends on each religion, on what each person creates and on the philosophical part they carry.

As I believe in different religions and it depends on when I am, I pray one or another prayer or invocation; That is why I have not put prayers out of respect for what everyone wants to pray.

You can also do it if you do not like to pray, and you prefer to meditate or make a reflection, when you start to make the potion or ritual.

The important thing is the strength you put in and the intention with which you do things.

Chapter 12 – Guide to Magic Ingredients or Homemade Magic Seasonings:

Here is a guide to magical ingredients or homemade magical condiments, arranged in alphabetical order from A to Z. Just do the following: Meditate and visualize what you are going to order