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During those times all those burbulises and gaydars, shatalines and yavlinskys, lyvshytses and chubayses, yasyns and others (T: there are the names of Russian politicians of liberal orientation who had played a appreciable role in early 90-th of XX in process of liberal reforms in the USSR and then in Russia) all these future petrels of counterrevolution, had been doing their careers (They are making their careers from the first sigh up to a grave. Be afraid of such well-wishers). They consider the economy quite out of touch with the human being and ignoring all possible communications as the closed self-sufficing system, as a transcendental object, they write Monblans of dissertations aiming to consecrate economic robbery of the party, state and scientifically-academic elites which have merged in ecstasy of privileged consumption. The work-rates abnormal growth and depreciation of work in the meantime nonplussed the economy, nevertheless nobody consider the situation as a real problem.

The individual was even more awfully nonplussed. When WQs (T: – see above) had raised and wage rates had decreased, loadings naturally increased, becoming quite often otherwordly. The accelerated deterioration of a labour took place, the everyday “weariness” became chronic and in turn chronic weariness aggravated everyday. Only illness or binge could pull out from this roundabout. The drinking-bout however easily turned into illness. Firstly the person spent extra earnings for drinking-bout. Then, when a habit to alcohol appeared, the person started to spend salary for binge.

And after binge had turned to drunke

Actually, when WQs are constantly raising the working day takes away so much energy from the individual that he has no power for anything else after leaving the factory. The interesting meeting, sports activity, reading a book or playing with children – all and everything demand force and desire. But the person has nothing. All desires are suppressed, all energies were spent. The more worthless the manufacturing system is organized the greater physical and psychological recourses it takes away. Accordingly the manufacture dominates over the person outside the enterprise.

If the person leaves work place completely tired and nothing would be desirable to him (her), this is a true attribute that his essence is exhausted. In such case the Big Binge sometimes often looks as most simple means “to rise from ashes”. Trying again and again to feel himself as the person, the person it in the paradoxical way kills himself finally.

Alas, it is not drunke

To improve something is necessary to understand before the real reason of worsening.

The story began during hard post-war times, in days of Stalin. In process of restoration of the facilities destroyed by war, work-quotas and wage-rates varied as well to fill the market with the goods. However in days of Stalin those measures were accompanied by a

Thus surplus labor taken way from the worker came back to him in form of surplus consumption. Such balance harmonized attitudes of the person and the state. After Joseph Stalin’s death price-cutting stopped while revisions of wage-rates and work-quotas proceed. After N. Khrushchev ‘s coming to power (the CPSU General Secretary in 1956–1965, took the first attempt to reform the Soviet political system), the prices started growing and the worker was caught in a snare.

Frankly speaking, sometimes the wages and salaries were raised: the injections of growth were done to some then to another strata of workers. In fact it meant that government bureaucracy gave to some people the very piece of “money pie” that had been taken away from the others. Instead of allowing people to earn themselves the bureaucracy presented them miserable pittances named by “a huge social gain”. Destroying the valid interest in honest work the ruling elite tried to replace it with political enthusiasm. One injustice was heaped up on another, the good worker has been mixed with the bad one, and even the very accommodation and redistribution of investments led only to moving mismanagement from one branches of the industry to others. Certainly these wage increases had resolved no one problem and only aggravated an economic situation. The economics degradation was proceeding.

The situation was just out of control, but the ruling elite did not understand an essence of the events. It absorbed the illusions the economic science fed it. And the political economy in the USSR just had broken its neck due to ignorance of the valid source of growth of labor productivity. The Communism had been under construction for many years already, but the nation continued to base itself on “working class”, on an intensification of physical labour using the meanest receptions of that intensification. Let’s add to this list of problems the “class struggle” against the whole world, named the “cold war”. The output of tanks, rockets, planes, submarines, bombs accrued in mad quantities. Let’s add the politically-motivated assistance to poor nations and non-equal trade with the states of socialist block. Let’s add to the list the so-called “projects of the century”: development of virgin lands, drainage of bogs and irrigation of deserts, turns of the rivers, etc. All of that – at the expense of toilers and workers.

The policy dictated to economy the rules instead of be dependent on it according to a theory. It defined instead of was defined. Instead of finding the basis for strategic purposes inside the economy, the policy imposed to the economy the exaggerated phantoms of nomenclature elite. Nobody dared to thwart the elite. It was outside of criticism. Certainly such situation could not exist eternally. Many think, that wreck of socialism has occurred as a result of “perestroika” and “reforms”. Alas, this only visible consequence. The events following one behind another in time, are not always co

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