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“Now put the cue in place and quickly take your friend from the cafe. Pull him away from the entrance”, – Kmykh said quietly.

While the other bully carried the cue, Kmykh to five seconds took the Kalashnikov pistol apart and threw it on the lying bully.

Olaf poured whiskey into a glass and moved it to Kmykh. “There is a card under the glass, it has a little money on it, and it’s also the key to the elevator cabin to the subway. Go into the toilet, the last booth is closed, open it with a card. Inside be sure to stand on the black square and lean the card to tank. Press the drain and elevator will take you down to level 17, right in the subway. Here are cameras everywhere, so take the card from under the glass u

“Thanks, Olaf.”

“Good luck, sir!”

Kmykh specially took advantage of the emergency exit from Olaf's cafe to avoid meeting the drone and not wasting time on giving evidence. Metro-Underground named by Churchill was at a depth of seventeenth level. The exit from the elevator was in the blind zone of the cells, and a marble slab-door opened inside. Without causing any suspicion, Kmykh ended up in the subway. He was in this subway for the first time. Previously, when the capsule was under repair, he used the free municipal metro named after Fidel Castro, which was at the twelfth level. These two subways differed not only in their level of comfort, but also in their visitors. The poor, unemployed, or Karl Marx fans, as well as hooligans and criminals of all stripes, liked to use the free underground. Kmykh did not have time to look at the beauty of the Churchill Metro. The metro capsule following the metro tu

“No. Thank. I think that everything will be okay. Can i go?”

“No. You are also in suspect in excess of self-defense. You must answer a few questions. Whatever you will say may be used against you.”

“OK. I understood.”

“Why didn't you run away from the robbers?” You could was avoid the necessity to cause bodily harm to the robber.

– I have a sore leg. I damaged her during the war in Antarctica. You can verify this.

“Well, a second … Yes, indeed, you had a laser wound and a tissue rupture by microwaves. But you also underwent a course of treatment, and I just saw you ru

“No, it doesn't. When ru

“The answer is accepted. You may go with recognizance not to leave the borders of London or wait 2 minutes for a court decision. After a court decision, you can be detained and arrested.”

“Yes. So I'm already late. Two minutes will not solve anything. I'll wait.”

During these minutes of waiting, Kmykh looked around and noticed a hovering drone of the Astacher and Sons law firm twenty meters away. Kmykh knew that this Company was popular with the poor, because it offers her protection and services on credit.

“The charge has been dropped,” said the Royal Guard drone two minutes later, “the court has taken your side. You may go. Within 90 days, you have the right to seek protection from harassment. Have a nice day, sir,” – said the drone, and disappeared as silently as he had appeared. The drone of the law firm also rose on a couple of meters higher and began to move slowly along the sidewalk towards the entrance to the Churchill Metro.

"What the damn day!" Kmykh thought and went into the factory building. Going through the identification frame, Kmykh met the Company's security drone.

“Hi,” – the drone said, – “you are 7 minutes late and your contract with the Company is terminated. You're fired. You should now go to cabinet 1080 in the Takeover Department. You are recorded for a conversation with the head of the department.”


The conference ended in the conference room of the soil manufacturing factory. It was the third floor of the factory. Buildings above 10 meters in this part of London were prohibited by law. The hall had large sliding windows, a high ceiling and parquet floor. A portrait of the queen hung on the wall and below under the portrait stood a large model of the Tower Bridge. Along a long table made of real wood, department heads sat and glanced at their watches. They smoked cigarettes and drank coffee. The owner of the factory, Willy Zyuganis, a 128-year-old young man was sitting at the base of the table.

“Everyone may go, but you, Boris, stay,” said Willie and waited for everyone to leave.

“Boris,” he turned to the head of the department for the takeover of small and medium-sized enterprises, “report on how we are doing this week.”

“We managed to buy 12 preferred shares of Obninsk NPP. Yesterday, by the decision court of Uryupinsk, it was possible to squeeze into our property berth number 18 in Havana, and today on the Moon were bought two hotels near the Apollo crater and the Trump hotel with spacecraft parking at the Gagarin crater.”

“Well! What our expenses of the berth?”

“800 Britcoins – legal costs, 30 Sterling cash – remuneration to the judge.”

“Did you pay with Sterling?”

“No sir.” In equivalent. I gave him 30,000 British people.

“That's right, Sterling can be traced and they are suitable only for pure transactions. Have you appointed a new berth director?”

“Yes, sir, he has already taken up his duties.”

“Were there problems with the old leadership?”

“No. Her Majesty’s Royal Guard officer was present, so no one dared challenge the ruling of the Uryupinsk’s court.”

“Will the judge be silent?”

“Later I will take care of this. His last case mustn't be co