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6.Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it's not my / mine.

7.We know their / theirs phone number but they don't know our / ours.

8.That's not my / mine book. Mine / my is with me.

9.His home is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is modern.

10.My / mine parents live in Moscow region, and your / yours?

2.3. Дополните текст притяжательными местоимениями:

1.Trevor and Stuart write articles for their school newspaper.

2.Mark nodded at ____ wife as if he wanted to say «You see?»

3.Do you think they are losing ____ popularity?

4.From ____ place I could watch the people eating ____ lunch.

5.I like____ new bag. I bought it two days ago.

6.He took off ______ shirt and loosened ____ tie.

7.My dad usually came to ____ office at 6 o'clock.

8.They’ve got three children but I don’t remember ____

9.We are going to invite all ____ friends to the party.

10.We’re staying at a very nice hotel. ____ room is very comfortable.

2.4. Замените слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом на личные местоимения:

1.That poor man looks as if he needs a new coat. He

2.Kilye arrived yesterday. I met Kilye at the station. ____

3.When the lions saw us, they began roaring. _____

4.Mike and I were hoping no-one would find us. _____

5.You and Mike can come if you like. ____

6.Jake hurt himself. ____

2.5. Дополните тексты местоимениями:


– Do you know Andy?

– Sure, he's in my class, I study with ___ Why?

– Oh, nothing. I want him to help me, that's all.

– I have ___ phone number. Call him!

– Ok, thanks!


– Hey Tyler, do you like lemon cakes?

– Yea, I really like ___.

– And do you like green tea?

– Sure, I like ___.

– And how about sweets?

– Yep, I like ____ too. Why?

– I want to invite you to my birthday party.

– Great! I will be there.

2.6. Добавьте соответствующее возвратное местоимение:

1.I did not want to believe it and then I saw the yeti myself.

2.The boy looked at _____in the mirror.

3.Mike, you'll have to do your homework ______.

4.You don't need to come tonight. They can repair the car _____.

5.I introduced _____ to my new classmate.

6.Boys, can you make your beds ______?

7.My gra

8.What happens when a fighting fish sees ______in the mirror?

9.He decided to go shopping______.

10.We can fix it ______.

2.7. Найдите ошибки в предложениях:

1.These aren’t ours flowers. These aren’t our flowers.

2.Yours watermelon was very sweet.

3.How many books are there in hers library?

4.The elephant hurt his leg.

5.Is this telephone your?

6.It’s theirs camera, don’t touch it, please.

7.Theirs teacher is younger than ours.

8.She is a friend of my.

9.The umbrella belongs to hers.

10.Did you like mine present?

2.8. Дополните текст местоимениями в объектном падеже:

1.My brother loves cookies. This cookie is for him.

2.My children like cartoons. The movies aren’t for ________.

3.My gra

4.My parents like music from the 90s. The memory stick with the music is for _______.

5.I like sunglasses. From her last trip my aunt brought _____ another sunglasses.

6.My wife and I love sweets. These sweets are for _____.

7.My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for _______.

8.My teacher wants to go to London next year. The guide book is for _____.

9.I have so many socks. I don't know what to do with ______.

10.I have a problem and don’t know what to do with ______.

2.9. Дополните текст притяжательными местоимениями:

1.This is my elder sister. Her name's Sue.

2.These are my nephews. ___ names are Peter and Ben.

3.These are my friends. ___ names are Tom and David.

4.This is my cousin. ___ name's Mary.

5.This is my father. ___ name's Paul.

6.These are my classmates. ___ names are Terry and Jane.

7.This is my aunt. ___ name's Pam.

2.10. Дополните предложения соответствующими местоимения используя than и заменив существительные в скобках:

1. Their house is bigger than mine (my house).

2. The street he lives on is wider _______________ (their street).

3. Father’s suit is more fashionable _______________ (grandpa’s suit).

4. Your test doesn’t take that much time _______________ (her test).

5. Her flat is larger _______________ (our kitchen).

6. This car drives more quickly _______________ (your car).

7. My armchair is more comfortable _______________ (their armchairs).

8. Her studies are more complicated _______________ (her sister).


Существует три степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке – положительная, сравнительная и превосходная.

My friend Jon has a huge library at home though he has not got much space and keeps all his books on a small shelf. He is also keen on old books. There are a lot of interesting books. There is one that I find the most interesting is Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. I think classical literature is more interesting than modern one.

Большинство прилагательных имеют степени сравнения.

старый – старше – самый старый

old – older – the oldest

У прилагательных содержащих абсолютное значение нет сравнительной степени.

Например, huge – огромный (не может быть огромнее и т.д.)

Сравнительная степень может сопровождаться словами маркерами, например, than.

Our local library is smaller than the one in the city.

Сравнительная степень образуется при помощи следующего суффикса – er

Прилагательные в превосходной степени получают суффикс – est и сопровождается определенным артиклем – the

Small – smaller – the smallest

При этом прилагательные с – y на конце, получают суффикс – ier и – iest соответственно

Happy – happier – the happiest

У односложных прилагательных удваивается

Hot – hotter – the hottest

– e в конце у прилагательного опускается

Large- larger – the largest

Brave – braver – the bravest

Многосложные прилагательные в сравнительной степени получают more и в превосходной the most

Interesting – more interesting – the most interesting

Effective – more effective – the most effective


good – better – the best

bad – worse – the worst

little – less – the least

many – more – the most

far – farther, further – the farthest, furthest

old – older, elder – the oldest, eldest

Farther, the farthest используется в отношении местонахождения

a. Our house is farther from the center than theirs.

b. Read further!

Elder, the eldest используется в значении «по старшинству»

c. His father died and Mike, who is 16, is now the eldest in the family.

d. My elder sister lives in Europe.

3.1. Напишите сравнительные и превосходные степени прилагательных:

3.2. Дополните предложения прилагательными в сравнительной степени:

1.My flat is smaller than my brother’s house. (small)

2.The blue shoes are _____ than the black ones. (nice)

3.This book is _____ than that one. (interesting)