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"Alvin, you surprise me," said Oliver, looking sternly at the tight – knit work of the labourers, " when people have voluntarily made any sacrifices?" No matter how much we buy the lowest, promising strata of society – they are not ready to go to experiments. Moreover, they must not know what these experiments are. Why would they need money? They won't have time to spend it anyway.

"What should we do?"

Oliver pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.

– How many people do you need to conduct the experiment?"what is it?" he asked as the phone rang.

Alvin chewed on his lower lip:

– If there are natives of China, European samples, preferably a couple of blacks and representatives of the Indian lands… it would be good to have ten or fifteen people.

Oliver spoke into the phone:

"Did you hear everything?" Perform.

After that Oliver hung up and just said:

"You'll get your test samples in two days. In the meantime, you can rest. Take Darrell to the coast and I'll book you a cabin. You will meet there in an informal atmosphere. Unwind. At the same time, discuss this project.

Oliver handed over the folder he had been holding.

"I'm interested in your General opinion on this," he finished, and left the base.


On the coast it was quite comfortable. Well-kept houses, fenced territory, clean sand and no people.

"This is our Corporation's private beach," Alvin explained, " and we come here a few times a year to relax. The place is Paradise. Meals are provided by the company. All inclusive also includes massage, steam room, te

Alvin didn't finish. Darrell looked in the direction of the scooters, and Alvin stared at a mulatto woman in a red bathing suit carrying two cocktails in the direction of the guys.

"Yes… my friend, and this is all for us too…," he added, breaking into a smile.

The second girl with very prominent forms followed the first, taking off her swimsuit on the move…

Oliver's project was not particularly new. He was trying to create a virus that could infect a specific group of people. The main condition of the virus was – variability. In other words, the same virus must have an interchangeable stamp. For example, today our target is Japanese blood carriers. Tomorrow, African-Americans and residents of the African continent have become Disfavored. The day after tomorrow, for example, the Italians or the French may fall out of favor. But the same Frenchman does not only live in France. And the requirement may be that such people do not remain on Earth at all! Accordingly, it is necessary to cover the entire world with a wave of the virus, so that only those who are not the target remain unharmed. The idea called for a single universal virus that could be used to target different targets without being detected under medical conditions. People die and die, and why, from what… no one should have understood that. And even more so to try to resist it.

"What do you think," Alvin asked Darrell when both boys had read the assignment.

"It's an interesting topic. Frankly speaking, I have little faith in the fact that by some chemical means… or rather not even by chemical means, but in General by an artificial tool, whatever its nature, it is possible to make changes in the Creator's plan. Such toys are expensive not only for humanity, but also for those who created them, or are trying to create them.

"I don't worry too much about it, Darrell. My philosophy is much simpler. Show me one person who has si

"And you?"

"I'm the first one." I grew up in poverty, of lack of love and constant betrayal. What did God expect when he made me like this? It is naive to think that I will love people after this. If I had my way – I would remove such a link as humanity from the entire system of biogeocenosis. And at the same time, no other chain will suffer, this is a scientific fact. The earth will continue to live and thrive… only now without garbage… in every sense of the word. So one way or another… I am doing everything in my power to remove sorrow, suffering, and ignorance from the Earth.

"Apparently, neither my theory nor your theory prevents us from doing what we do…"

– Moreover … help!

Alvin winked and broke into a surprisingly kind smile.


At the request of Mr. Oliver, fifteen people were brought in to test the Alvin project. The experiments showed very good results, and Darrell's salary doubled. Alvin was beaming.

Creation of viruses was fascinated by the newly formed tandem. But still, it was not very pleasant to see in the news how their offspring were devoured by thousands of troops of people in different parts of the world.

"Never mind," Mr. Oliver said one day at lunch, when he and Darrell suddenly looked down from the TV screen, where an emergency news Bulletin had just ended, unequivocally confirming the lab's latest victory, " the media's job is to lie. To embellish, to aggravate, to terrify and confusion to the masses. We are doing a great job, they are doing a great job. In a compartment with some levers of power, we are working together to do a good job with our common task. But in fact, the situation in the world is much calmer and does not portend anything tragic. The point is to cut down the branch on which you are sitting. In fact, all our activities are aimed at psychological tricks, at fear. That's what we play on. This is how our patrons do the world's work. Technology is as old as the world, but… work flawlessly.

Base Director Darrell's words were partially reassuring. It occurred to him that Alvin's theory was not so bad. Man is such an interesting creature. The mind that elevates it above the rest of the world of living beings is capable of many things. But for some reason, man in the vast majority of cases directs all his ingenuity to get the benefit of his fellow men, even if for the sake of his goals it is necessary to sacrifice the principles of conscience.

Darrell sincerely hoped that the Lord was using the means of developing viruses to remove the worst strata of society from the face of the earth. Those who might have done something wrong. After all, this laboratory had to exist for some reason? Therefore, this is the Creator's plan, as in everything that exists.

Darrell worked harder, trying to realize himself as fully and on a large scale as possible. At certain times, his unhealthy interest in pla

"Listen, Darrell," Oliver said one day as he ushered her into his office and closed the door. – Our foreign partners are trying to get you to join them. I was informed of this by personal intelligence. There is every reason to believe that you will be recruited in the near future. I don't know what it will be. It is possible that threats will be used, but first of all people usually try to buy a person.