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As soon as he was gone, Beauty sat down in the great hall and started crying, for she firmly believed the Beast would eat her up that night.

However, she thought she might as well walk about until then and view this fine castle, which she could not help admiring[34]; it was a delightful pleasant place, and she was extremely surprised at seeing a door over which was written “Beauty’s Apartment.” She opened it hastily and was quite dazzled with the magnificence that reigned throughout; but what chiefly took up her attention was a large library, a harpsichord, and several music books. Then she reflected, “Were I but to stay here a day, there would not have been all these preparations.” This consideration inspired her with fresh courage; and opening the library, she took a book and read these words in letters of gold:


“Alas,” said she with a sigh, “there is nothing I desire so much as to see my poor father and know what he is doing.” As soon as she said this, to her great amazement, she saw her own home in a great looking glass, where her father arrived with a very dejected countenance[36]. Her sisters went to meet him, and notwithstanding their endeavors to appear sorrowful, their joy, felt for having got rid of their sister[37], was visible in every feature. A moment after, everything disappeared.

At noon she found di

“That is as you please,” answered Beauty trembling.

“No,” replied the Beast, “you alone are mistress here; if my presence is troublesome, I will immediately withdraw. But tell me, do not you think me very ugly?”

“That is true,” said Beauty, “for I ca

“So I am,” said the monster, “and I know very well that I am a poor, silly, stupid creature.”

“I don’t think you are a silly and stupid creature,” replied Beauty.

“Eat then, Beauty,” said the monster, “and endeavor to amuse yourself in your palace, for everything here is yours, and I should be very uneasy if you were not happy.”

“You are very obliging,” answered Beauty, “I am pleased with your kindness.”

“Yes, yes,” said the Beast, “my heart is good, but still I am a monster.”

“Among mankind,” said Beauty, “there are many that deserve that name more than you, and I prefer you, just as you are, to those who, under a human form, hide a treacherous, corrupt, and ungrateful heart.”

“If I had sense enough,” replied the Beast, “I would make a fine compliment to thank you, but I am so dull that I can only say I am greatly obliged to you.”

Beauty ate her supper and had almost conquered her dread of the monster[39], but she had like to have fainted away[40] when he said to her, “Beauty, will you be my wife?”

She didn’t answer at once, for she was afraid of making him angry if she refused. At last, however trembling, she said, “No, the Beast.” Immediately, the poor monster went to sigh and hissed so frightfully that the whole palace echoed. But Beauty soon recovered her fright[41], for the Beast having said in a mournful voice, “Then farewell, Beauty,” left the room.

When Beauty was alone, she felt a great deal of compassion for the poor Beast.

Beauty spent three months very contentedly in the palace. Every evening the Beast paid her a visit[42] and talked to her during supper, very rationally, with good common sense[43], but never with what the world calls wit; and Beauty daily discovered some valuable qualifications in the monster, and seeing him often had so accustomed her to his deformity[44] that she would often look at her watch to see when it would be nine, for the Beast never missed coming at that hour. There was but one thing that gave Beauty any concern[45], which was that every night before she went to bed, the monster always asked her if she would be his wife.

One day she said to him, “Beast, you make me very uneasy. I wish I could consent to marry you, but I am too sincere to make you believe that will ever happen; I shall always esteem you as a friend. Endeavor to be satisfied with this.”

“I must,” said the Beast. “I know too well my own misfortune, but I love you. However, I ought to think myself happy[46] that you will stay here; promise me never to leave me.”

Beauty blushed at these words; she had seen in her glass that her father had pined himself sick for the loss of her[47], and she longed to see him again. “I could,” answered she, “indeed, promise never to leave you entirely, but I have so great a desire to see my father that I shall fret to death if you refuse me that satisfaction.”

I had rather die myself[48],” said the monster, “than give you the least uneasiness. I will send you to your father; you shall remain with him, and the poor Beast will die with grief[49].”

“No,” said Beauty weeping, “I love you too well to be the cause of your death. I give you my promise to return in a week. You have shown me that my sisters are married and my brothers went to the army; only let me stay[50] a week with my father.”


You shall be there tomorrow morning[51],” said the Beast, “but remember your promise. You need only lay your ring on a table before you go to bed when you have a mind to come back[52]. Farewell, Beauty.” The Beast sighed bidding her good night[53], and Beauty went to bed very sad at seeing him so afflicted. When she woke the next morning, she found herself at her father’s, and when she rang a little bell that was by her bedside, she saw the maid come, who, the moment she saw her, gave a loud shriek[54], at which her father ran up the stairs and thought he should have died with joy to see his dear daughter again.


she could not help admiring – не могла не восхититься


Swift obedience meets them still – все быстро исполнится


with a very dejected counte- nance – с очень печальным видом


their joy, felt for having got rid of their sister – их радость от того, что они избавились от сестры


will you give me leave to see you sup? – позволишь ли мне повидаться с тобой во время ужина?


almost conquered her dread of the monster – почти перестала бояться чудовище


she had like to have fainted away – чуть не лишилась чувств


recovered her fright – преодолела свой страх


paid her a visit – наносил ей визит


with good common sense – здравомысляще


so accustomed her to his deformity – настолько привыкла к его жуткому облику


There was but one thing that gave Beauty any concern – Ее беспокоило только одно


I ought to think myself happy – мне следует думать, что я счастлив


had pined himself sick for the loss of her – исстрадался от того, что потерял ее


I had rather die myself – Я скорее сам умру


poor Beast will die with grief – несчастное Чудовище умрет от горя


let me stay – позволь мне побыть


You shall be there tomorrow morning – Ты должна будешь вернуться завтра утром


when you have a mind to come back – когда захочешь вернуться


bidding her good night – желая ей спокойной ночи


gave a loud shriek – пронзительно закричала