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 He found the bandbox where it had been described, arranged his toilette with care, and left the house. The sun shone brightly; the distance he had to travel was considerable, and he remembered with dismay that the General’s sudden irruption had prevented Lady Vandeleur from giving him money for a cab. On this sultry day there was every chance that his complexion would suffer severely; and to walk through so much of London with a bandbox on his arm was a humiliation almost insupportable to a youth of his character. He paused, and took counsel with himself. The Vandeleurs lived in Eaton Place; his destination was near Notting Hill; plainly, he might cross the Park by keeping well in the open and avoiding populous alleys; and he thanked his stars when he reflected that it was still comparatively early in the day.

Anxious to be rid of his incubus (страстно желающий отделаться от своего бремени /то есть от генерала/; to be rid of smth. – быть избавленным от чего-либо; incubus – демон, злой дух, злой гений; груз забот, гнет, бремя /то, что давит, создает гнетущую атмосферу/), he walked somewhat faster than his ordinary (он шел несколько быстрее обычного: «чем свое обычное»), and he was already some way through Kensington Gardens (и он уже прошел часть Кенсингтонского парка: «он уже был часть пути сквозь Кенсингтонские сады») when, in a solitary spot among trees (когда в уединенном уголке среди деревьев), he found himself confronted by the General (он встретился лицом к лицу с генералом: «он обнаружил себя встреченным генералом»).

“I beg your pardon, Sir Thomas,” observed Harry (прошу прощения, сэр Томас, – сказал Гарри), politely falling on one side (вежливо отступив в сторону); for the other stood directly in his path (ибо тот стоял прямо у него на пути; to stand – стоять).

“Where are you going, sir?” asked the General (куда вы идете, сэр? – спросил генерал).

“I am taking a little walk among the trees,” replied the lad (я прогуливаюсь среди деревьев, – ответил юноша: «беру небольшую прогулку»).

 Anxious to be rid of his incubus, he walked somewhat faster than his ordinary, and he was already some way through Kensington Gardens when, in a solitary spot among trees, he found himself confronted by the General.

“I beg your pardon, Sir Thomas,” observed Harry, politely falling on one side; for the other stood directly in his path.

“Where are you going, sir?” asked the General.

“I am taking a little walk among the trees,” replied the lad.

The General struck the bandbox with his cane (генерал стукнул по шляпной картонке тростью; to strike – ударить).

“With that thing?” he cried (с этой штукой? – воскликнул он); “you lie, sir (вы лжете, сэр), and you know you lie (и вы знаете, что лжете)!”

“Indeed, Sir Thomas,” returned Harry (право, сэр Томас, – ответил Гарри), “I am not accustomed to be questioned in so high a key (я не привык, чтобы меня допрашивали в таком повышенном тоне;accustomed – привыкший; to question – расспрашивать; keyключ).”

“You do not understand your position,” said the General (вы не понимаете своего положения = забываетесь, – сказал генерал). “You are my servant (вы мой слуга), and a servant of whom I have conceived the most serious suspicions (и слуга, относительно которого я питаю самые серьезные подозрения; to conceive – испытать, ощутить, почувствовать). How do I know but that your box is full of teaspoons (как = откуда я знаю, что в ваша коробка не полна /серебряных/ чайных ложек; but – зд.: что не)?”

“It contains a silk hat belonging to a friend,” said Harry (она содержит цилиндр, принадлежащий одному /моему/ приятелю, – сказал Гарри; silk hat – цилиндр: «шелковая шляпа»).

“Very well,” replied General Vandeleur (очень хорошо, – ответил генерал Венделер). “Then I want to see your friend’s silk hat (тогда я желаю увидеть цилиндр вашего приятеля). I have,” he added grimly, “a singular curiosity for hats (я питаю, – добавил он зловеще, – чрезвычайный интерес к шляпам); and I believe you know me to be somewhat positive (и я полагаю, что вы знаете, что я несколько принудителен/положителен = не охотник до шуток).”

“I beg your pardon, Sir Thomas, I am exceedingly grieved,” Harry apologised (прошу прощения, сэр Томас, я чрезвычайно опечален = мне очень жаль, – извинился Гарри); “but indeed this is a private affair (но, в самом деле, это – личное дело).”

 The General struck the bandbox with his cane.

“With that thing?” he cried; “you lie, sir, and you know you lie!”

“Indeed, Sir Thomas,” returned Harry, “I am not accustomed to be questioned in so high a key.”

“You do not understand your position,” said the General. “You are my servant, and a servant of whom I have conceived the most serious suspicions. How do I know but that your box is full of teaspoons?”

“It contains a silk hat belonging to a friend,” said Harry.

“Very well,” replied General Vandeleur. “Then I want to see your friend’s silk hat. I have,” he added grimly, “a singular curiosity for hats; and I believe you know me to be somewhat positive.”

“I beg your pardon, Sir Thomas, I am exceedingly grieved,” Harry apologised; “but indeed this is a private affair.”

The General caught him roughly by the shoulder with one hand (генерал схватил его грубо за плечо одной рукой; to catch – схватить, поймать), while he raised his cane in the most menacing ma

“Come, come, General, hold your hand,” said he (стойте, стойте, генерал, придержите свою руку, – сказал он; come, come – ну-ну /увещевание/), “this is neither courteous nor manly (это ни учтиво, ни мужественно).”

 The General caught him roughly by the shoulder with one hand, while he raised his cane in the most menacing ma

“Come, come, General, hold your hand,” said he, “this is neither courteous nor manly.”