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 Then Prudence led him to the back gate, and put her hand upon the key.

“Will you come and see me?” she asked.

“I will indeed,” said Harry. “Do not I owe you my life?”

“And now,” she added, opening the door, “run as hard as you can, for I shall let in the General.”

Harry scarcely required this advice; fear had him by the forelock; and he addressed himself diligently to flight. A few steps, and he believed he would escape from his trials, and return to Lady Vandeleur in honour and safety.

But these few steps had not been taken before he heard a man’s voice (но эти несколько шагов не были сделаны до того, как он услышал голос мужчины; to hear – слышать) hailing him by name with many execrations (окликающего его по имени со многими проклятиями), and, looking over his shoulder, he beheld Charlie Pendragon (и, посмотрев через плечо, он увидел Чарли Пендрагона; to behold – узреть) waving him with both arms to return (машущего ему обеими руками, чтобы /он/ вернулся). The shock of this new incident was so sudden and profound (потрясение от этого нового события было так внезапно и глубоко), and Harry was already worked into so high a state of nervous tension (а Гарри уже пришел в такое высокое = сильное состояние нервного напряжения), that he could think of nothing better (что он не смог придумать ничего лучше) than to accelerate his pace (как ускорить шаги), and continue ru

 But these few steps had not been taken before he heard a man’s voice hailing him by name with many execrations, and, looking over his shoulder, he beheld Charlie Pendragon waving him with both arms to return. The shock of this new incident was so sudden and profound, and Harry was already worked into so high a state of nervous tension, that he could think of nothing better than to accelerate his pace, and continue ru

He should certainly have remembered the scene in Kensington Gardens (конечно, он должен был вспомнить сцену в Кенсингтонском парке); he should certainly have concluded that, where the General was his enemy (конечно, он должен был заключить, что, раз генерал был ему врагом), Charlie Pendragon could be no other than a friend (Чарли Пендрагон не мог быть никем иным, как другом). But such was the fever and perturbation of his mind (но таково было возбуждение и смятение его ума) that he was struck by none of these considerations (что ему не пришло в голову ни одно из этих соображений; to strike – поразить, зд.: прийти в голову), and only continued to run the faster up the lane (и лишь продолжал бежать все быстрее по переулку). Charlie, by the sound of his voice (Чарли, /судя/ по звуку его голоса) and the vile terms that he hurled after the secretary (и по гнусным словам, которые он изрыгал вслед секретарю), was obviously beside himself with rage (был, очевидно, вне себя от ярости). He, too, ran his very best (он тоже бежал, как мог: «бежал свое лучшее»); but, try as he might (но как он ни старался), the physical advantages were not upon his side (физическое преимущество не было на его стороне), and his outcries and the fall of his lame foot on the macadam (и его выкрики и топанье хромой ноги по мостовой; macadam – щебень; щебеночная дорога) began to fall farther and farther into the wake (начали затихать вдалеке: «стихать все дальше и дальше на пути»; wake – след, кильватерная струя).

 He should certainly have remembered the scene in Kensington Gardens; he should certainly have concluded that, where the General was his enemy, Charlie Pendragon could be no other than a friend. But such was the fever and perturbation of his mind that he was struck by none of these considerations, and only continued to run the faster up the lane. Charlie, by the sound of his voice and the vile terms that he hurled after the secretary, was obviously beside himself with rage. He, too, ran his very best; but, try as he might, the physical advantages were not upon his side, and his outcries and the fall of his lame foot on the macadam began to fall farther and farther into the wake.

Harry’s hopes began once more to arise (надежды Гарри начали снова восставать = он воспрял духом). The lane was both steep and narrow (переулок был и крутой = круто поднимался в гору, и узкий), but it was exceedingly solitary (но он был совершенно безлюден), bordered on either hand by garden walls (окаймленный с обеих сторон садовыми оградами), overhung with foliage (через которые свешивалась листва; to overhang – свешиваться); and, for as far as the fugitive could see in front of him (и насколько беглец мог видеть перед собой), there was neither a creature moving nor an open door (там не было ни души, ни открытой двери: «там ни существа, которое двигалось…»). Providence, weary of persecution (провидение, уставшее от преследования /его/), was now offering him an open field for his escape (теперь предлагало ему открытое поле = свободный путь для побега).

Alas! as he came abreast of a garden door (увы! когда он поравнялся с одной садовой дверцей; abreast – вровень) under a tuft of chestnuts (под купой каштанов), it was suddenly drawn back (она вдруг открылась), and he could see inside, upon a garden path (и он смог увидеть = увидел внутри, на садовой дорожке), the figure of a butcher’s boy with his tray upon his arm (фигуру разносчика из мясной лавки с лотком в руках; butcher – мясник). He had hardly recognised the fact (он едва заметил его: «это») before he was some steps beyond upon the other side (прежде чем пробежал мимо: «оказался на несколько шагов дальше с другой стороны /двери/»). But the fellow had had time to observe him (но у юноши было время заметить его); he was evidently much surprised to see (он был явно сильно удивлен увидеть) a gentleman go by at so unusual a pace (как какой-то господин идет мимо с такой необычной скоростью); and he came out into the lane (и он вышел в переулок) and began to call after Harry with shouts of ironical encouragement (и крикнул Гарри вслед, чтобы иронически подбодрить его: «выкликал крики иронического ободрения»).

 Harry’s hopes began once more to arise. The lane was both steep and narrow, but it was exceedingly solitary, bordered on either hand by garden walls, overhung with foliage; and, for as far as the fugitive could see in front of him, there was neither a creature moving nor an open door. Providence, weary of persecution, was now offering him an open field for his escape.

Alas! as he came abreast of a garden door under a tuft of chestnuts, it was suddenly drawn back, and he could see inside, upon a garden path, the figure of a butcher’s boy with his tray upon his arm. He had hardly recognised the fact before he was some steps beyond upon the other side. But the fellow had had time to observe him; he was evidently much surprised to see a gentleman go by at so unusual a pace; and he came out into the lane and began to call after Harry with shouts of ironical encouragement.