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“This is not me who it happens to. No. I don’t believe…” Victoria persuaded herself being the centre middle of Moscow… Life went on around.

Suddenly Vic realized herself to be at The Arbat. There is one of the biggest book stalls there in Moscow. Alcoholics sold rare books for a song. Without a moment hesitation the girl went ahead, looking for books.

Sellers of different knowledge were not so far. There was an aisle full of huge pile of books. They were coloured, gray, doomy, thick and thin, flabby and new, unpresentable and those you could hardly force your eyes away from.

Vitoria swarmed the books, looking for something… and she found. It was a flabby book titled “Demonology”. Vic bought it for some cash and ran to the nearest bench.

Preoccupied with clear impatience the girl was turning the leaves of the book to look for the only name and everything about it. But there was nothing. Nothing! No word about Kharon and his activities was there. There were a lot of names, demons and their descriptions, unending number of symbols and figures, dead language, Arabian, demon hierarchy, spells and treatment… But fortunately, there was something about incubus.

Firstly, they are really demon. They can take shape of anything. They can turn into any animated object: a human, an animal, it can be a materialization of the most daring demon fantasies.

Incubi prefer to share bed with women, that means they are male. Demons, who prefer men, are succubi. Both, succubi and incubi are on pretty high level of demonic hierarchy.

Incubus must get the permission to do what he’s going to. He will be sure to ask if he is wanted, if he can do that or this, if he is allowed. If a victim agrees then her number goes up.

Their professional service charge isn’t cheap. As a rule, it’s a deal, terms of which are given a passing mention to, and a victim is ill-informed as she is under the sway of Morpheus.

Both incubi and succubi choose their victims while they are sleeping. They come to people at nights, when their minds are not active to lull vigilance easier.

The real succubi and incubi existence isn’t described. Probably these demons can walk among people, but they send all their power to a sleeper.

A short warning – whoever would appear before a human, incubus or succubus, don’t forget that it’s a demon and even being beyond dream borders he is very dangerous and easy to make a human suffer.

You can try to get rid of a demon with the help of a pray. It’s not very useful method but you could try. A tie with a lustful demon is considered a serious sin, there’ll be no forgiveness for it.

A pray can help in that case if a victim doesn’t have time to agree the deal. If he or she said sacramental “yes”, that’s all. The deal is concluded and there’s no turning back. It doesn’t matter what feelings a human had when agreeing the deal, if he was raving or being in oblivion. You can’t negotiate with hell and cancel the deal. In this case there is no Supreme Court nor Arbitration Court.

Everything that you have put on a cast when agreeing the deal, you will never get back under no circumstances. If you face a hell representative, you should always keep in mind the first axiom – no turning back. No law works against demons. They crap on everything.

The second thing you always keep in mind while working with hell that there’s a barely noticeable chance that the victim will be a beneficiary after the deal. This is predictable. The point is that demonic hierarchy representatives charge too high for their services. It’s impossible to come to The Prince of The Dark and give him two thousand roubles. Hell doesn’t work for money! Victims will have to pay with something more interesting than pathetic parallelogram pieces of paper. Some deals can cost a life.

Communication with demons is also nice to have – they are open to set the cost and promises; they’ll never take more than they asked.

The third thing you should follow up is that any creature, agreeing the deal, absolutely craps on his so-called partner! Demons don’t have a team, they work for themselves. Even more they will care less about the person who agrees the deal.

To lie to a hell creature is a bad idea. If a creature is not of lower level, one hundred percent it knows what happens within next fifteen minutes, it could read any thought, which dare creep into head, finds out any plan before it’s going to be executed.

The fourth, hell doesn’t have remorse and it’s no use to appeal to it. Don’t ask anything and don’t stare in surprise. You should just accept this fact. They don’t have remorse. No matter how hard people will try to make them pay attention to remorse, it will be useless. Demons don’t care. A human suffering will never have effect on demons but only in a good way.

Victoria was bound up in reading. She was so much interested in getting known these guys, that she almost forgot earlier she had wanted to find some data of incubus.

The last item in bold fonts with exclamation marks warns: any essence, having come from hell, is dangerous for a human’s life.

Vic closed the book and stared straight before herself. She looked calm but preoccupied. But none of passing by people could guess how scared she was! None of them saw her hands be almost washed out by shivering. Palsy was slowly possessing the girl, covering her lambs with numbness. She had only one question: how far I’ve come already? Was there any turning back?

Having true fear of unidentified Victoria understood that ghost world was very interesting not to give up on it. She’d been living for 20 years rejecting every mysterious being. She had a certain world view where there was no place for a mystical cell. Her conception of modern world development consisted of materialism. Suddenly an opportunity to get something new appeared and she wasn’t able to leave it behind. Fear wasn’t important but interest was too much!

Vic took the phone kept ringing in her pocket.

‘Listening to you, mum’ the girl said tiredly.

‘What’s wrong again, Vic? Why’s there no answer?’ the strong voice sounded on the cell.

‘I’ve been at the preparatory meeting.’ Vic lied before you can say knife. ‘There was another one before the exam. What did you want?’

‘My God, your meetings… So, I accept daily duties today, my colleague asked to relieve her, don’t wait for me. There’s food in the fridge, you know where money is if you need something.’

‘Mum, stop it, I’m not ten and this is not the first time when I’m alone.’

‘Fine, I’ve warned you.’

Olga Vladimirovna hanged off and left her child alone.

It was the nicest thing to know that she was going to be alone at home. Nobody would give advice and push and she would belong to herself. It was really nice!

The girl went to a café, thanks God there were lots of them in the street where she ordered di

Between endless advice and arguing the girl found name Lucifer.

Everything that she had read about Lucifer, she got that he absolutely knew how to tie a demon. Moreover, he was a Lord. Besides, he was interested in communication with people. Victoria was sure that Morningstar would help her. But there was no spell in Internet at all.

There was only nonsense: blood, the number thirteen which had unclean co

The girl remembered her black book which had been bought from the old woman at Lubaynka. Victoria didn’t look through it: all her attention was drawn to the dropped-out piece of paper in Latin.