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13. What George (to do) now?

14. What George’s mother (to do) now?

90. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, the Present Progressive or the Past Simple, answer the questions.

I (to want) to tell you about a very beautiful girl. Her name (to be) Sally. She (to be) from Austria. Sally (to be) twelve. She (to be) a pupil. Sally (to go) in for swimming. She (to go) to the swimming pool four times a week. Sally (to like) to swim very much. Yesterday Sally (not to go) to the swimming pool. She (to go) to the party. Sally (to put on) her new blue dress and white shoes. Blue and white (to be) her favourite colours. They (to dance) a lot at the party. Now Sally (to read) a novel by Mark Twain.

1. What the girl’s name (to be)?

2. Where Sally (to be) from?

3. How old she (to be)?

4. She (to be) a pupil?

5. What sports Sally (to go) in for?

6. How many times a week Sally (to go) to the swimming pool?

7. What the girl (to like) to do?

8. Sally (to go) to the swimming pool yesterday?

9. Where she (to go) yesterday?

10. What Sally (to wear) at the party yesterday?

11. What her favourite colours (to be)?

12. What they (to do) at the party yesterday?

13. What Sally (to do) now?

91. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, the Present Progressive or the Past Simple, answer the questions.

His name (to be) David. David (to be) from Australia. He (to be) a little boy. My cousin (to be) four. David (to like) to play hide-and-seek. But he (not to want) to read books. Every Sunday we (to go) to the park to ride a bicycle. Yesterday we (to play) football at the school sports ground. Now my cousin and I (to play) with a ball in the yard.

1. What his cousin’s name (to be)?

2. Where David (to be) from?

3. How old the boy (to be)?

4. What game David (to like) to play?

5. What he (not to want) to do?

6. Where they (to go) every Sunday?

7. What they (to do) in the park?

8. Where David and his cousin (to go) yesterday?

9. What they (to do) at the school sports ground?

10. What David (to do) now?

11. What David’s cousin (to do) now?

92. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, the Present Progressive or the Past Simple, answer the questions.

Her name (to be) Molly. She (to be) thirty-five. My mother (to be) a businesswoman. Molly (to be) a very busy woman. She (to go) to work five days a week. My mother and I (to like) to go to the country. There I usually (to dig) in the garden and Molly (to water) the flowers. Yesterday it (to be) Saturday and my mother (not to go) to work. We (to go) for a walk in the park. There we (to play) table te

1. What her mother’s name (to be)?

2. How old Molly (to be)?

3. What her job (to be)?

4. How many times a week Molly (to go) to work?

5. Where they (to like) to go?

6. What they (to like) to do in the country? 7. What mother (to do) yesterday?

8. What she (to do) in the park yesterday? 9. What they (to do) now?

93. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, the Present Progressive or the Past Simple, answer the questions.

Her name (to be) Jill. Jill (to be) from Canada. My friend (to be) twenty-one. She (to be) a student. Jill (to like) to play te

1. What his friend’s name (to be)?

2. Where she (to be) from?

3. How old Jill (to be)?

4. What her job (to be)?

5. What game Jill (to like) to play?

6. Where they sometimes (to go) together?

7. Jill (to go) to a disco club?

8. Where Jill (to go) every Sunday?

9. Can she swim?

10. How well can she swim?

11. Where Jill and her friend (to go) last week?

12. What ballet they (to see) last time?

13. The friends (to be) theatre-goers?

14. What they (to do) now?

94. Open the brackets. Make up questions. Begin the questions using the words in brackets.


I bought a new dress yesterday. (who, when)

Who bought a new dress yesterday?

When did I buy a new dress?

1. We (to move) into a new house last year. (when, who)

2. His sister (to leave) the room ten minutes ago. (who, when)

3. Bat (to lock) the window an hour ago. (who, when)

4. She (to wear) a new fur coat at the theatre yesterday. (who, what)

5. Her friend (to miss) the train yesterday. (who, when)

6. They (to go) to study in Paris in 1999. (who, where, when)

7. My father (to get) a new interesting job last month. (who, when)

8. Tib (to look) angry at the party yesterday evening. (who, where, when)

9. Her brother (to see) that film last week. (who, when)

95. Open the brackets. Make up questions. Begin the questions using the words in brackets.

1. Jack (to pay) the electricity bill last week. (who, what, when)

2. His uncle (to write) an interesting novel last year. (who, when)

3. Sam (to want) to be a scientist many years ago. (who, what)

4. My parents (to go) on a picnic last weekend. (who, when)

5. She (to get) married in 1980. (who, when)

6. Our family (to buy) a new car last week. (who, what, when)

7. Sally (to make) tea ten minutes ago. (who, what, when)

8. They (to clean) the house the day before yesterday. (who, when)

9. We (to live) in a village last summer. (who, where, when)

96. Open the brackets. Make up questions. Begin the questions using the words in brackets.

1. I (to wait) for him at the bus stop two hours ago. (who, where, when)

2. We (to eat) cheese for breakfast yesterday morning. (who, what)

3. Jill (to run) at the stadium yesterday morning. (who, where, when)

4. My friends (to fight) in the yard last Tuesday. (who, where)

5. Jack (to take) a picture five minutes ago. (who, when)

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