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Maybe they were right. Maybe it was time for a change. A new attitude. She was older, wiser too. Certainly she could do anything she set her mind to.

After this meeting.

“So...it’s settled?” Alexi asked them. “We’re all going for it? Most important goal for the summer, lose single status?”

“Count me in,” Tara said. “Ha


“Just third the motion, would you?”

All she had to do was say the words. Put voice to the need deep inside her, that she’d love to find someone to go out with, someone she could trust enough to lose more than her “single” status to.

Besides, Alexi and Tara looked so excited about the prospect of summer, and of finding someone.... How could she disappoint them? She could just agree, and then forget about it. “I give,” she said. “Can we finish discussing the business now?”

“How about we up the ante first?” Alexi suggested. “Whoever gets unsingle doesn’t have to clean toilets all summer. Seeing as how I’m going to win and all.”

“Maybe our goal should be to hire the maid we’ve been promising ourselves,” Ha

“We’re doing good, but not that good, not yet,” Tara reminded her. “It’s not in the budget until next spring.”

“So...” Alexi’s eyes sparkled. “What do you guys think about the toilet challenge?”

“It’s sort of high-school, isn’t it?” Tara asked.

Which had Alexi laughing again. “So naturally, you’re in.”

“Are you kidding?” Tara gri

“Not when we have Ha

They both looked at her with warm, loving amusement and she cast a glance heavenward. “Just because I don’t date a lot—”

“Honey, you don’t date at all.

“Well you wouldn’t if you had my bad luck.”

“Yes, I would,” Alexi said, her face suddenly serious. “I’d try. You just haven’t found the right one yet, someone who makes you feel special.”

“Absolutely,” Tara agreed. “You can’t give up.”

But Ha

“Careful yes,” Tara corrected. “Alone, no.”

“I said I’d do it.” And she would, just so they could get on with their work stuff. She didn’t want a relationship; she didn’t have the time or inclination. And anyway, if she was going to set a goal for herself, it would be something easier.

Something personal.

She wanted to lose her virginity.

“To us then.” Alexi held out her hand. Tara placed hers in it, and with reluctance, so did Ha

“Good luck, ladies,” Alexi said as they shook.

“I declare this meeting concluded. May the best woman win.”

“Okay, great.” Ha

Alexi and Tara sighed but settled in, mostly to humor her. It didn’t matter; Ha

And yet for the next hour, while they discussed finances and services, all she could think about was...what if she’d been too hasty in assuming she would lose their challenge?

What if she could really do it, really actually manage to meet her personal goal of losing her virginity? She could just dip her toe into romance, so to speak, then get back to her life.

Nice dream, but impossible, given reality.

There was no man in sight begging for her body.

* * *

HANNAH STOOD ALONE in front of the freshly scrubbed kitchen sink, having just happily run herself ragged cleaning up the evening’s meal for their very full house.

Out the window to the right, the sun slowly disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. The colors exploded, and she stood there riveted by the sight.

She loved it here. It was calm, peaceful. Perfect.

To the left, she could see the quaint main street of Avila. All the galleries and specialty shops had their lights on, welcoming. Inviting. Tourists were hustling down the street, shopping, eating, enjoying themselves.

As were their own guests. Their land was only an acre, but it was a fabulous acre, complete with the lodge, a small restaurant, an ice-cream and gift shop, spa, barbecue area, wildflower gardens and eight suites—though they only used five for visiting guests. The other three belonged to Tara, Alexi and herself.

Alexi ran the restaurant with amazing talent for both cooking and charming the guests out of huge tips. Tara handled the books with the fierceness of Attila The Hun, and since Ha

She could think of nowhere else she’d rather be, and was looking forward to the wonderful summer months ahead...unless of course, she was on toilet duty.

Oh God, she’d almost forgotten.

She’d agreed to the unsingle challenge.

A half-hysterical laugh escaped her. It was so out of her league she might as well wish for a trip to the moon. And anyway, how bad could it be cleaning the bathrooms every single day, for three entire months?

Pretty bad.

Darn, she needed a man. Not just any man either, she wanted him to be kind and sensitive. Passionate. She wanted him to desire her.

That she also wanted him to be an incredible lover went without saying.

Oh, and then she wanted him to go away.

She laughed at herself, and then shrieked in surprise at the shadow of a man behind her.

“Excuse me,” he said, coming into the kitchen. “I—”

He broke off abruptly and stared at her in surprise.

She understood perfectly. Her heart was inexplicably in her throat, she could hardly breathe, because she recognized that voice, recognized the boy who was now a man. It’d been ten years, but that low, husky tone was indelibly printed in her mind.

Alexi’s older brother, Zach Thomas.

The first boy she’d ever had a crush on.

He’d changed, was her first thought. Lord, he’d changed.

Then a grin broke across his face, and she had her second thought—she hadn’t realized her toes could really curl.


“What—what are you doing here?” Oh gee, wonder why she couldn’t catch a man. But she was truly stu

Alexi had taken the news very hard, and it had been Ha

“Yep to both, especially since I’ve only one week left on my first vacation in ten years.” He gri

It was all coming back to her, the horribly humiliating teenage infatuation—which had absolutely not been reciprocated. He’d been kind to her, yes, and as she was a friend of his baby sister, he’d also been indulgent and protective.

But other than that, Zach had been far, far out of her reach; too wild, too gorgeous, too everything. Avila had smothered him, he’d hated the tight confines, the lack of adventure.

Which had been everything she loved about the peaceful, sedate town.

Then he’d left her world to become a cop of all things, and they hadn’t seen each other since.

Why should they?

He lived the wild, exciting life he’d always wanted and she...she lived hers the way she’d always wanted, with a few exceptions. Okay, one exception—her lack of a love life, which of course brought all sorts of erotic images to mind, images best not thought about at the moment.

Why? Because Zach was standing right in front of her looking a bit wicked, definitely gorgeous, and just a tad dangerous. He was back and her tummy had gone all tight, her toes were still curled and all sorts of currents were racing through erogenous zones she hadn’t even known existed.