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So what, is this cosmic energy more important for biota development? In the long-term historical period both energies are important. But when one of these energies is undergoing optimal changes, then the energy that is lacking makes a decisive contribution. Biota is arranged extremely elaborately: flora includes the species that grow better at gravity-spin energy, as well as the species that grow better at the increasing solar activity. Moreover, there are the plants and trees which grow better at an increase of the Earth's rotational velocity, and there are some which grow better at its decrease.

Ref.: Yu. P. Demakov. Factors of a

So in the long-term historical periods, at the change of cosmic energies, biota survives due to its certain species. Life of microbes is arranged in the same way. This is well studied in the Arctic. Under the ice specific microbe species reproduce better, while the others stay in a conserved condition. As space weather changes – mass reproduction of specific microbes is replaced by reproduction of the others. Thus, shrimp always have food. Hence the food chain for the higher animals does not break even at abrupt changes of cosmic energies.

There are the types of mushrooms that grow better at particular combinations of electromagnetic and gravity-spin cosmic energies. At the same time, the very shape of mushrooms resembles the vortex shape so much that it is hard to deny the direct relationship between the power of ether vortices and the mushroom growth rate even for the extreme skeptics of the ether-dynamic theory. Here are some examples of such resemblances.

Vortex energy are immense.

And they are related to gravity. One can refer here to see that these energies are literally all around us: http://www.videoman.gr/ru/43332.

Their power is great.

The more intense the vortex cosmic energy is, the easier and more naturally biota and humans can consume it.

Thus, the graphs clearly show the relationship between the Earth's rotational velocity and the variety of processes taking place on the Earth. These processes are related to vortex energies. They are non-electromagnetic in nature.

But they are related to development rate of countries, development of our history and culture. The question arises: how this type of energy affects Russia, our economy, our society?

Chapter 2. Outstanding sports achievements and the Earth's rotational velocity (LOD): approaching the psycho-cosmic laws of Russian development

2.1 Quantification (numeralization) of the original data

If cosmic energy affects people's health and economic growth rate, then it should also affect sports achievements. Under more favorable cosmic energies sports records must be higher.

Let's take the list of world sports records set in weight-lifting and track and field athletics from Wikipedia.

Overall the database contains 165 records and about 200 athletes. This is due to the fact that some records were set in relay races, which involve participation of several athletes.

Let's present sample data collected for each athlete on the example of Liao Hui, weight-lifting, weight up to 69 kg.

The birthdays and days of setting the records for all athletes from the list were coded and formalized in the same ma

The data were already published on the relationship between the human mental activity and the period of the Earth being at a certain orbital region, on the change of EEG frequency and characteristics depending on the person's birthday. (Ref.: N. I. Konyukhov, 2016a). Approximately a week before and a week after a birthday a person has an increased EEG frequency, and EEG activity is often shifted more to the right brain hemisphere. There is also evidence on the increase of effectiveness in sporting events in the days close to a birthday. These are the days depending on a

Now let's combine the data on the year of birth of the outstanding Russian and world athletes, the dates of setting the records that have not been beaten by the begi

The stage of the maximum LOD values on the scale of individual years is denoted as 5, whereas the minimum ones – as 1. In this case, there might be such a situation: the peak LOD value in the current year is followed by its decline in the next year, and then it soars again. In this case, stages of cycles 3-4 and 7-9 can be observed and denoted only on a monthly data scale. On an a

Code 1 denotes 13 years. This is 23.6 percent of all graph points.

Code 5 also denotes 13 years. This is also 23.6 percent of all graph points.

1 and 5 constitute 47.2 percent of all graph points.

Therefore, assignment of the major part of all records to stages 1 and 5 should be attributed to their representation rate in the table. This is noted to prevent the hasty emotions in regard of the relationship between the points of cycles 1 and 5 and the outstanding sports achievements. The situation is a little more complicated.

Although there are bold relationships. But they are more visible on a larger time scale: bifurcation points of human development are related to points 1 and 5 of the cosmic energy change cycles. But in order to prove it other graphs and approaches are necessary.

Let's use one of them.

2.2 Relationship between the birth dates of outstanding Russian and world athletes and the Earth's LOD in a

Let's combine the Earth's rotational velocity with the years of birth of athletes who have set world records since the first available accurate data on the Earth's LOD until 1998, almost until the end of the XX century.

The correlation coefficient between the Earth's LOD and the number of outstanding athletes born in the world that year (between columns 9 and 11) equals – 0.08. Zero correlation. In other words – there is no linear relationship.

The correlation between the Earth's LOD and the number of born outstanding athletes in Russia (columns 6 and 11) equals -0.45. In Russia, the birth rate of outstanding athletes is strongly related to the Earth's rotational velocity. Most prominent Russian athletes were born during growth of the Earth's rotational velocity. Recall: cereals also grow better thereat.