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This graph also shows the limits of such relations. In the begi


The relations are the same for the whole world. When the cosmic energies was increasing, the status of the Jewish people was getting worse in European countries.

Terroristic acts, protests, revolutions usually occur during changing of rotational directions and densities of powerful cosmic vortex of the ether. It can be predicted by change of rotational velocity of the Earth, by arrangements of planets and by other methods.

Chapter 2. Psycho-cosmic energies and their influence on terrorism

Terrorism and its victims for many of us is just statistics. For many it is the tragedy.

2.1 Raise of the terrorism: a psycho-cosmic aspect

Terrorism has occupied our planet. This is evil, obvious evil, which as a cancer goes wider and deeper in more countries and societies every day.


From 2000 to 2016 years, it has been more than 72 thousands of acts made by terrorists resulted in death of almost 170 thousands of people, and more than 80% of these acts have been made by terrorists organizations, members of which are full of religious fanaticism of the perversion of Islam.


If we take a look on Figure we see depress tendencies.

What are the causes of this phenomena?

Why, particularly in our days, temps of its propagation have risen?

Before, we have been investigating long cycles of Kondratiev N. And have found that they coincides with change in the length of earthdays, rotational velocity of Earth during decades and centuries. And the velocity of flow, rotation of Earth significantly co

Let’s add some data on the intensity of the solar radiation in the electromagnetic range (see.: http://www.areyou.ru/sun/sun.html).

The co

In 2014 43542 people died from terrorists. This surge in fatalities from terrorist attacks is linked to the war in Syria. Only in Syria, there were killed more than 190 thousand of people. According to the Syrian Center of Monitoring Human Rights 33278 people of them were civilians. http://www.rbc.ru/politics/01/01/2015/54a564b59a7947111c67297f

In 2015 20378 people died from terrorists. This data is taken from GTD database. It is the most extensive database of terrorist attacks occurred worldwide from 1970. GTD is updated a

Dependence exists. But in the scale of years.

But will dependencies depend on whether these occur in one day? Let’s take the January of 2015.

From GTD we find the number of terrorist attacks per day and the number of victims. Scary figures. Let’s plot the number of died and wounded people due to terrorist attacks in this month and co

We note immediately, that, according to reputable laboratories (see: http://www.tesis.lebedev.ru/magnetic_storms.html?m=1&d=31&y=2015), we have not found the co

At all points of the Earth's rotational reverse (in the days of change of acceleration of rotation), the number of victims of terrorist attacks usually jumps. So that the co

And the times of a change of the acceleration of Earth are also the days of a change in the density of the ether around Earth due to this factor. Under the acceleration of Earth, it is covered by waves of the ether. Just like the air on a motorcycle rider gaining speed. Physicists have made a model of changes in an ether density at the body’s acceleration change.

This also applies to Earth. Only at the approach of a speed of a body to the speed of light, compact ether does not give the body to increase its speed. And Earth moves in the less compacted layers of the ether, and we did not feel it like sometimes we do not feel the air.