Young Lions Shaw Irwin (EN) 0 254 0 0 Полный текст — 0 стр., 28.04.2016 Irwin Shaw's classic novel stands among the best fictional depictions of World War IITold from the p...
Rich Man, Poor Man Shaw Irwin (EN) Рассказы и повести 0 6126 0 1 Полный текст — 194 стр., 18.09.2015 Siblings Rudy, Tom, and Gretchen Jordache grow up in a small town on the Hudson River. They’re in...
The Young Lions Shaw Irwin (EN) Классические произведения в прозе 0 284 0 0 Полный текст — 156 стр., 06.09.2015 The Young Lions is a vivid and classic novel that portrays the experiences of ordinary soldiers fig...
Nightwork Shaw Irwin (EN) Классические детективы 0 1291 0 0 Полный текст — 82 стр., 03.09.2015 Douglas Grimes, penniless ex-pilot, is waiting for the future to start living again. A fortune in c...