Полимат. История универсальных людей от Леонардо да Винчи до Сьюзен Сонтаг Burke Peter (EN) Разное 0 312 0 0 Фрагмент — 11 стр., 25.01.2023 Обычно под полиматами понимают универсальных людей, одаренных в разных областях. Как ни странно, ...
Italian Renaissance Burke Peter (EN) 0 69 0 0 Полный текст — 0 стр., 16.04.2016 In this brilliant and widely acclaimed work, Peter Burke presents a social and cultural history of t...
Social History of Knowledge Burke Peter (EN) 0 81 0 0 Полный текст — 0 стр., 16.04.2016 In this book Peter Burke adopts a socio-cultural approach to examine the changes in the organization...
Varieties of Cultural History Burke Peter (EN) 0 77 0 0 Полный текст — 0 стр., 16.04.2016 The aim of this book is both to illustrate and to discuss some of the main varieties of cultural his...
Fortunes of the Courtier Burke Peter (EN) 0 35 0 0 Полный текст — 0 стр., 16.04.2016 This book aims to understand the different readings of Castiglione's Cortegiano or Book of the Court...
Art of Conversation Burke Peter (EN) 0 120 0 0 Полный текст — 0 стр., 16.04.2016 The Art of Conversation is a major contribution to the social history of language - a relatively new...
French Historical Revolution Burke Peter (EN) 0 39 0 0 Полный текст — 0 стр., 16.04.2016 This book provides a critical history of the movement associated with the journal Annales, from its ...
Social History of Knowledge II Burke Peter (EN) 0 34 0 0 Полный текст — 0 стр., 16.04.2016 Peter Burke follows up his magisterial Social History of Knowledge, picking up where the first volum...
Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe Burke Peter (EN) 0 17 0 0 Полный текст — 0 стр., 13.04.2016 In this magisterial study, Peter Burke explores the social and cultural history of the languages spo...