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Андрей Тихомиров

Eachdraidh Agus cultar Na H-Èirea

Eachdraidh Na H-Èirea


The Illustrated London News, May 6, 1865. The Dublin International Exhibition: Delivery of goods at the foreign and fine-arts' entrance

The Illustrated London News, May 13, 1865. The Dublin International Exhibition: West entrance to the building

Baile àtha cliath. Aon de phrìomh shràidean a ' bhaile. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Moscow, leabhar 18, 1953, td. 451

Baile àtha cliath. A

Bha daoine Iberianach (ibero-Caucasian) agus treubhan Ceilteach (Indo-Eòrpaich) a ' fuireach a



Bho 1295, thòisich pàrlamaid de bharons agus prelates sasa

Rè ùine iomlan an 12mh-15mh li

Mar thoradh air sgaoileadh An Ath-Leasachaidh shasai